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[–]RedditVihaaLesboja 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We only have a Pride week, not a full month. 10 years ago it felt very important to me, it was about what Pride originally is - being gay is ok, we want equal rights too, you're not alone. Pride in surviving growing up in a homophobic society. Attendance was usually 5-15k depending on the year.

Flashforward 10 years, attendance has skyrocketed to 30-50k, it's all about the TQ now. Stands for LGBT orgs have been replaced by political parties and other ones that can afford the fee. Corporate sponsorship is everywhere with only a few actually donating to the causes (shoutout to Finlayson for actually donating to help gay people in Chechnya a few years back). There's no lesbian-only events or programs, barely any for gay men either (at least they get to have their own party and not a party for "women and everyone supporting them"). Pride month genuinely makes me feel more depressed and suicidal than any other month because it hightens the homophobia from the TQ community, if I had 1€ for every time I've heard or read "shut up cis gays, you already got your rights"...

Tl;dr: ruined by the tq just like everything else, have stopped going