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[–]RedditHatesLesbiansHomosexual Not Queer 34 insightful - 2 fun34 insightful - 1 fun35 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Also a lesbian, at least this craziness hasn't reached the average person. When you ask the average person on the street what a lesbian is, they're likely to say homosexual woman 98% of the time. Just sucks that we have so many less spaces as a result of this craziness. Lesbian bars have disappeared. Lesbian spaces have been infiltrated or closed down. I feel like this won't happen with gay men to the same extent, but who knows. After they're done with gay men who's next? Straight men? That'll go over well lol

[–][deleted] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Except that I think it has reached the average person. I'm confident TQ+ is behind the drop in acceptance for LGB(T) we're seeing in young people, most dramatically in girls. The problem is they aren't aware of the nuance of it all and think it's coming from LGBTQ+. Once the acceptance drops dramatically, TQ+ can put on different clothes, let the dye job fade and move on with being socially accepted once again, while LGB is holding the fallout.