all 5 comments

[–]VioletRemiCat, homosexual one 18 insightful - 6 fun18 insightful - 5 fun19 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Seems like just being born female is already transphobic.

[–]fijupanda 12 insightful - 3 fun12 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

bites into a roast beef sandwich cool story, libfem. omnomnomnom

domesticated animals actually get proper care on farms that aren't dumb to simply treat them as things to use and discard. my family had farms, vineyards across generations. it was important to properly take care of livestock, animals and ensure they have a good quality of food, care, vets since they were considered treasures since they fed entire families across generations. heck, the animals were treated better than my grandmothers in those farms since they started working since they were 8 or so.

if we didn't eat meat during our evolution as humans, some research implies our brains wouldn't have developed properly. mass producing industries are doing stupid shit to animals, environment, and people. unnecessary mass production, pollution, mistreatment of animals, feeding them hormones, making them sick etc doesn't do anyone good in the long run.

nobody is excluding trans individuals from feminism. I don't think feminism is for everyone since I consider myself more on the radical side of feminism, and while anyone can commit to it, I think it's centered around biological women since we're oppressed because of our biological sex across time and space. Anyone who thinks feminism is or should be centered around biological men can simply go join many of the patriarchy's clubs and have a blast as far as I am concerned.

"Messages that say a penis cannot belong to a female. Messages that say a vagina cannot belong to a male."

Well they can't. Unless you're into organ trafficking. rollsmyeyes

"Every time we use phrases like “female reproduction” and “female bodies” in reference to womanhood we are excluding trans women from womanhood."

I am not going to delete myself or my experiences. That would be masochistic of me, and anti feminist. You're talking about reducing women to vaginas and mothers which in itself is misogynistic since it states you think vaginas and mothers as something less then. sighs. You need some good therapy and a reality check.

For all this talk about Native Americans, if I had a dime every-time they were brought up by Western lefties I could have already bought some land in USA and give it back to some of the tribes. Sighs.

There is nothing wrong with biological sex. Take it up with Mother Nature ffs if it offends you so much. You sound like conservative religious people that get offended at naked statues or whatnot but not at pedophile scandals among religious circles. Biological sex doesn't make anyone inferior. There are differences, but a good chunk of them are complimentary. Gender roles, expectations, and gender stereotypes harm women, men, and children as we can see now in 2020 painfully obvious.

I don't have to include anyone into my own personal bubble, space, intimate life if I don't want to. The smallest minority in the world is called the individual. My rights aren't up for scapegoating to make anyone feel better or included. Neither does anyone else have to scapegoat their rights for mine ffs.

I hate to break this to you cupcake, but a good chunk of everyone is being exploited on this planet sooner or later in life. it's the collective reality. There are variations, degrees and severity of exploitation, but nobody is really excluded from it except billionaires funding agendas for the lols, profits, or out of boredom.

Ay caramba. Go vegan if you want to just stop shoving apples and oranges into your ideology for crying out loud.

[–]MezozoicGayoldschool gay 6 insightful - 4 fun6 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 4 fun -  (2 children)

we need feminism to include all women

Who "we"?

How do you think women who are trans feel when they hear this? Do you think they feel validated as “real” women?


Sorry, we can't talk about 50% of world population problems, because 0.01% of population don't feel validated from that.

In our minds this view is hostile to our trans sisters because it places people without uteruses and vaginas into the “male” category.

And having penises is placing them into "male" category too!

Can you image being seen as “abnormal” and “creepy” because of your gender?

No one cares. Furthermore, there so much support nowadays for transpeople, that homosexual couples are seen as creepy and abnormal once again.

What we’re asking us all to do is embrace a revolutionary view of womanhood.

"We not asking a lot, only asking to remove half of the population". What about no?

Every time we use phrases like “female reproduction” and “female bodies” we are excluding trans women from womanhood.

Yeah, why women may want to discuss their own bodies? Such a nonsense. And why anyone want to discuss how kids are appearing to life? What version of making kids is transwomen friendly now? Finding kids in cabbages or being brought by storks?

Because it helps us build a movement for animals where all people feel safe.

for animals

Ah, so it is not for humans. And I was wondering why it sounds so wild.

“But wait, isn’t gender just biology?” No. Science has historically been used by Western cultures to maintain hierarchies that uphold traditional power structures.

At least they are aware that this has nothing to do with science. Sadly they seems to be "ok" with that.

Patriarchy – male power – seeks to control two things from us as women: vaginas and motherhood.

Isn't this contradicting now their "we need include transwomen with penises too"? Even author of article is saying that vegan feminism can't include transwomen, because it is not about it at all. And excludes transwomen by saying this.

Humans and nonhumans are sexed and gendered

So animals and plants now have "social gender" too. This is even more wild!

Why must we say a cow with a vagina is a “woman” or “female”? No she is just a person with a vagina. Why must we say the childbearing parent is a “mother”? No she is a parent.

And why men are not "persons with penises" then? And why then transwomen are "women" while real women are "a person with a vagina"? What a nonsense.

[–]notdelusionalbased faggot[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Admittedly I'm not entirely caught up on woke nonsense, is "people with penises" not a thing yet?

[–]MezozoicGayoldschool gay 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No. And most likely it will never happen, because then transwomen will become "people with penises" and not "women".