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[–]CleverNickName 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

That's a huge part of why I am just so lost and sad about the whole thing - growing up every progressive thing, from children's shows, to music, comedy, and occasionally real life too, it was all about how we're all valid the way we are, be it because of sex, ethnicity or the things we like and dislike (coffee, alcohol, clothing styles, sports, whatever).

Then it suddenly stopped, and then it flipped. I really think we need to get back to that. It was better, for everyone. Women would not be CEOs without decades of erosion of gendered bullshit. Same-sex marriage would not have been passed in most places if gender theory was taken as fact by the powers that be.
All it really achieved was a lot of in-fighting, and obviously I have no idea how to stop that. In fact, that may have largely been the point in the first place.