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[–]GizortnikKiA Old Guard 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have sympathy for normies panicking at dirty prosecutors trying to rail-road everyone on sight. Dirty prosecutors try to criminalize and destroy innocent people for political expediency. I put them on the same level as infant rapists. In a just world, intentionally rail-roading innocent people would be a capital offense.

There is no way in hell a murder charge fits for Mr. Bryan. They're charging him for purely political reasons, and maybe to try and get him to testify against the McMichaels. I can imagine a scenario where he pleads guilty to a lesser charge, testifies against the McMichaels, and then they get off. So, insanely, the videographer would be the only person who would go to prison.