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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)


Mein Kampf was NOT Written by Stempfle who was NOT a Jesuit

Hibs writes:

I'm personally sure they were the ones behind both communism and national socialism so I think this is an important background regarding the rise of the far right.

Jesuit Catholics wrote hundreds of encyclicals against communism and National Socialism and for the protection of property rights and labor. Marrano Jesuit communist Jews, whom took over the Jesuit order, however, were for this incorporated ism.

Mein Kampf wasn't written by Hitler himself, it was written by a catholic priest.

Complete and utter lie. Most of what you post is hearsay anyway.

Hibs also says:

...the Rothschilds and the other elite Jews aren't the big deal when compared with the jesuits.

^ ^ ^ This theory is quote-from-quote identical to Zionist Jew Barry Chamish and rabbi Antelman.

Or this complete fabrication:

Althought I have my reasons to be skeptical about it, this scenario is very similar to Albert Pike's letter about the outcome of WWIII Since the Jews would not only probably end up losing Israel but get a bunch of their own killed, then how could greater Israel ever be the final plan of the NWO?

^ ^ ^ That WWIII letter was a fake.

Fallacies of the Jesuit conspiracy theory (great read):

Prominent Anti-Jesuit theorists include: Alan Lamont (Zionist freemason and flat-earth disinfo agemt), Edmond Paris (Mason; wrongly claimed a Jesuit wrote Mein Kampf and did not source this claim in his book where /u/HibikiBlack is sourcing from ; I debunked this in one of useless_aether's posts; also, Nazis are the naturalist antithesis of Zionists and Judeo-masonry; hence why Nazi's lost because they persecuted the church and the Mystical body of Christ); Eric Jon Phelps (Zionist Jew, diamond dealer, LLC located in Israel, flat-earth disinfo agent, promotes racism and white supremacy to racialize Caucasians under the banner of Zionism; also claimed, like you did, the Kennedy's were secret protestants trying to undermine the Catholic church); Drake Shelton AKA Souther Israelite (exposed freemason of the Tennessee lodge, Jewish, flat-earth disinfo, racist, says JFK faked his own death.)

Edmond Paris wrote the book "Secret History of the Jesuits". In a 2018 update, we find there is an 'Edmond Paris Foundation' at 16, Rue Cadet, Paris.

Whose address is that? - The largest Freemasonic lodge in the west.

So one of the foundational texts pushing Jesuit conspiracy theories came out of a largely 'Jewish' Freemasonic Lodge?

In Paris' thesis, Jesuits controlled the Nazis, which is quite an odd statement; though before Vatican II, the deplorable trifecta, was considered by the naturalist Nazis to be Masons, Jesuits, Zionist/Bolshevik Jews; who they'd eventually arrest and throw in a concentration camps.

Edmond Paris's book is published by Christian Zionist Jack Chick. Who promotes this:

^ ^ ^ Unbiblical Chistian Zionist propaganda.

The theory of Jesuit take-over is indeed called a NWO theory, but mainly by the apologists of the “Freemasons-Jewish bankers” theory. Its goal is to imply that the real danger comes from the Vatican. (This fear sounds really medieval, the Pope does not have such power any more.)

In the German wikipedia article, we read:

The role played by Stempfle in the creation of Hitler's political confession Mein Kampf is controversial in historical research and has not yet been definitively clarified.

And yet, here is Paris, who sells his book in the largest Freemasonic lodge in the world telling us a Jesuit, who was not even a Jesuit, wrote the entire book without any footnote.

Stempfle entered the Catholic Order of the Poor Hermits of Saint Jerome as a young man. [3] On the other hand, as Lapomarda has shown, the membership of the Jesuit Order, which is often attributed to him in literature, is a mistake on the part of the authors concerned, which, even contemporaries of Stempfles, often underwent and, according to Plöckinger, " made fun of it". Due to a lack of members, the Hieronymite Order was later dissolved. Stempfle himself no longer wore religious costume from about 1923 and no longer held priestly functions, but was still referred to by confidants and acquaintances as "Father Stempfle". For this reason, Stempfle often still figures as a father in literature, when we talk about the years 1923 to 1934, for which this title is strictly no longer true. Helmut Heiber even refers to him – as the only author and probably false – as a prelate.

(Vincent A. Lapomarda: The Jesuits and the Third Reich, 1989, S. 36.)

(Othmar Plöckinger: Geschichte eines Buches. Adolf Hitlers "Mein Kampf" 1922-1945, S. 134.)

(Helmut Heiber: Adolf Hitler. Eine Biographie, 1960, S. 47.)

The Zionist Jew Konrad Heiden, who allegedly also wrote that a Jesuit wrote Mein Kampf, NEVER actually CLAIMED a Jesuit wrote Mein Kampf but instead edited and changed some passages of it, not paragraphs and not chapters and certainly not the whole thing. Which means Hitler was probably in full accordance of these facts.

...some changes to the original text and even rewrote some passages completely.

The renegade National Socialist Otto Strasser, Hitler's enemy reported in his 1942 book Hitler and I, published in Exile in The United States, that Stempfle had worked for months to organize the thoughts expressed in the manuscript on Mein Kampf. In addition, he put into the world the legend that Hitler had Stempfle assassinated because of his corrections to the book. This note was later taken up by the English Hitler biographer Alan Bullock. In his reflection on Hitler's vita, he stated that Stempfle had "stylistically cleaned" Hitler's manuscript (pruned) and rewritten it in parts. [23] In his wide-ranging study of the history of Mein Kampf, Othmar Plöckinger proves that over the years numerous authors took up Bullock's claim and thus spread his view of Stempfle's role in the creation of Mein Kampf.

But still not proof, all claims and it comes straight from the mouth of one of Hitler's biigest rivals. And again, Stempfle was NOT A JESUIT but did edit thousands of books.

Harry Schulze-Wilde went so far as to attribute to Stempfle the merit that he had rewritten Mein Kampf into a "somewhat understandable German". Riemeck claims that Stempfle, together with Josef Czerny, tried to bring some order to the thoughts in Hitler's book by giving structure to the promptings wildly thrown together by Hitler, as well as grammar and orthography of the corrected the manuscript.

This seems far more likely, because he was an editor afterall.

Kern points out that Stempfle, like the other "repeatedly mentioned co-authors" of Mein Kampf, had nothing to do with the writing of the book. In contrast to this "legend", Stempfle's role was limited exclusively to "stylistic corrections". [27] Ernst Nolte agrees and also attributes Stempfle only to corrective work on Hitler's original text. [28]

Werner Maser quotes Hermann Hammer, who claimed in a study in 1956 that "Father Bernhard Stempfle [...] however, Ilse Hess, the wife of Rudolf Hess, wrote to him in 1965 that neither Stempfle nor Karl Haushofer had collaborated on the Hitler book, but that she and her husband had "purely stylistically..."

So, the Jew Heiden, never claims a Jesuit nor Stempfle wrote Mein Kampf. Heiden was a Jewish Socialist, left-wing journalist, he was vocally against National Socialism and Hitler. Heiden belonged to nearly all the groups least liked by Hitler, and realized as much; soon after the accession of the Hitler government, he wisely saw fit to leave a Germany where he was no longer welcome. It is therefore no surprise that he is very hostile to the subject of his biography, for both political and personal reasons.

Only rarely does he list his sources, which makes his account problematic for the critical historian to use; while many of his stories are not inherently implausible, others have a touch of the fantastic to them, and some are demonstrably erroneous rumors. (For example, his frivolously speculative sections on der Führer's sex life -- A perennial favorite of popular modern historians.) On the other hand, he does on occasion quote interesting primary-source documents, among them a private letter by serving Corporal Adolf Hitler (in World War I) to a pre-war acquaintance in Munich, describing the heavy fighting he has seen. A real treat back then, although nowadays such documents are also available elsewhere (for example, in Werner Maser's published sample of Hitler's private writings).

As was probably inevitable, given his limited sources and personal biases, Heiden's image of the German dictator was in many ways incomplete, and in some severely mistaken. So, for example, he subscribed to the then-common idea of Hitler as a mere power-hungry demagogue, whose politics were largely opportunistic and lacking in conviction. (Subsequent inquiry has entirely reversed this view.) He also imagined Hitler as a sort of split personality in his earlier works, though here that theory is toned down. Moreover, Heiden's own Marxian conceptions strongly color his political analysis of the rise of Hitler's movement. And of course, this book's limited scope by itself precludes any real study of Hitler as leader of Germany, as opposed to leader of the opposition.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

All right then. You make valid points about the profession of Bernhard. However, just because a group of people wrote that he wasn't a Jesuit doesn't mean he wasn't one at some point, there are people that consider he was one at some point.

I'm also sorry for saying that Bernhard downright wrote Mein Kampf, but there's a lot of sources that point that he was involved in it at least.

Anyway, I don't think the Jesuits downright controlled the National Socialists either at this point, I think Himmler at some point took control of the group which eventually caused a civil war in the Roman Catholic Church, but hey this by itself is all theory of mine. You don't have to make an histrionic mess of things just because I got a few terms wrong.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

However, just because a group of people wrote that he wasn't a Jesuit doesn't mean he wasn't one at some point, there are people that consider he was one at some point.

He never was. That is the truth in historical context. Though we can never know for sure about anything.

I'm also sorry for saying that Bernhard downright wrote Mein Kampf, but there's a lot of sources that point that he was involved in it at least.

Yes, discredited sources; usually Zionist Jews or disinfo agents.

Anyway, I don't think the Jesuits downright controlled the National Socialists either at this point, I think Himmler at some point took control of the group which eventually caused a civil war in the Roman Catholic Church, but hey this by itself is all theory of mine. You don't have to make an histrionic mess of things just because I got a few terms wrong.

Curiously, Goebbals married a Jewess.

Take a look, this illustrates that the Nazis were of the Prussian Masonic lodge and liquidated the Jewish Masonic lodges:

Erik Jan Hanussen, a Jew, taught Hitler oratory speeches, however he was assassinated by the SA. Okay, so we cannot go on that, and we do know Freemasonry, at least some lodges preached against Jewry, although it is safe to say Judeo-freemasonry, at least in the US among the Newport Jews goes hand-in-hand. Look at these, tell me what you see:

and this:

and this:

and this:

and this:

and this, clear as day:

and this:

and this:

and this:

and this:

and this, clear as day:

and this, Himmler:

and this, obvious, Goebbels:

and this:

and this, Goebbels Jewish ancestry:

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Now if he was a Freemason of the Prussian lodge, he certainly was not a Jesuit.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)


As for Karl Dietrich Bracher in the book - The German Dictatorship. Origin, structure, consequences of National Socialism, 1979, p. 139.

Bracher assumes that Stempfle was killed on June 30 for;

"an overly confidential service" to Hitler.

It is a claim without any proof or evidence.

Among other things, statements by Hitler's adjutant Julius Schaub and his body photographer Heinrich Hoffmann from the post-war period speak for Hitler's non-involvement in the death of Stempfle: Schaub explained about an interrogation by IfZ employee Franz Schaubs on July 26, 1951, that "among those murdered in Munich whose death Hitler most regretted , [...] the former pastor Stempfle was to be mentioned in particular, with whom Hitler was together almost daily."[52] Hoffmann wrote in his memoirs: "When I killed Hitler at the time of Hitler's death, he wrote in his memoirs: "When I killed Hitler in the past, He was a member of the former pastor Stempfle. first time after the catastrophe, he grabbed me by the arm and complained with deep shock: "What do you say, Hoffmann, these pigs also killed my good Father Stempfle!" Later, when I asked about the connection between the tragedy, Hitler cut me off the speech with a brusque hand gesture: "No more word about it!" he said in a tone that did not tolerate any contradiction. It has remained so throughout the years..."

Bruno Brehm blames the Munich city councillor Christian Weber for the murder of Stempfle and refers to the polemics of Stempfle against Weber, who ran a brothel in Munich's Senefelderstraße, which Stempfle considered unworthy of an "old fighter" and that is why he mocked Weber as a "Senefeld marshal". Weber had taken scares badly and used the june 30 murder wave as an opportunity to settle his personal bill with Stempfle. According to this, Stempfle was placed on the death list of the Munich execution squads on his own initiative by Weber and without Hitler's intervention. [54] The same view can be found in Wilhelm Hoegner.

In conclusion, a Jesuit did NOT WRITE Mein Kampf, not even a passage. Little evidence exists to suggests Stempfle wrote Mein Kampf, some evidence suggests he edited parts of it, and fixed it up, as he was an editor afterall.

And unlike hearsay, we do have a first-hand account of someone close to Hitler:

Body photographer Heinrich Hoffmann from the post-war period speak for Hitler's non-involvement in the death of Stempfle: Schaub explained about an interrogation by IfZ employee Franz Schaubs on July 26, 1951, that:

"among those murdered in Munich whose death Hitler most regretted , [...] the former pastor Stempfle was to be mentioned in particular, with whom Hitler was together almost daily."[52]

Hoffmann wrote in his memoirs: "When I killed Hitler at the time of Hitler's death, he wrote in his memoirs:

"When I killed Hitler in the past, He was a member of the former pastor Stempfle. first time after the catastrophe, he grabbed me by the arm and complained with deep shock: "What do you say, Hoffmann, these pigs also killed my good Father Stempfle!" Later, when I asked about the connection between the tragedy, Hitler cut me off the speech with a brusque hand gesture: "No more word about it!" he said in a tone that did not tolerate any contradiction. It has remained so throughout the years..."

Hibs is pretty decent

Both hibs and uselessaether believe monkery and monasticism is communism. That should tell you something. If he does not respond in a patronizing way, he'll say "fuck you," or simply ignore your post.

Just look how these lunatics keep pushing anti-Semitism.

Calls me a lunatic, claims anyone who posts sources that don't agree with his opinions are anti-Semitic. Only a Zionist or a tribalist Jew, who admittedly hates monasticism; claims Jesus is fake, and promotes Tribalism, would use the anti-Semitic canard.

If I had to guess, are you a libertarian by chance? Anarchist? A reactionary dialectical materialist?

I'd love to know and wish you'd open the New Testament because although you might claim the Holocaust is fake, certainly the mainstream narrative is a lie; Jewish persecution was not (due to nazi rejection of supernaturalism over naturalism). Modern Jews are not Semitic, as you often like to claim they are, with all the ad-mixture they are mostly Japhites and cannanites and bearly semitic if at all. The chosen Hebrews, not converted Jews, were the ones God had the Old Covenant with. They’re all dead.

Non-Hebraic Rabbinists (followers of the Babylonian Talmud) have been using the “Jew” appellation since the late 18th Century in order to appear to be Judahite Hebrews.

One of /u/Hibikiblack responses:

Go to hell /u/Jesus. I'm going to enjoy showing everyone what the Jesuits did to the natives back then and how the Jesuits were controlling both Castro and the CIA simultaneously.

Another reply:

The fact that some Jews have done bad things doesn't mean that groups of them are out there to conquer the world. The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is directly related to the Jesuits too...

Bill Gates has Jewish ancestry on both sides. His great, great, great grandfather was named Israel and he is of the Goetz German Ashkenazi Jew misanthropic tribe.

Secondly, I never claimed all Jews are out for world domination. Only Masons incorporated and certain sects within Judaism by way of the Noahide agenda. But according to hibs, yes, some Jews have done bad things, but not one Jewish sect wants to take over the world... sure, despite the talmudic redemption of the Jew being the synthesis for the taking over of the world for "world peace."

Though, that is more aimed at destroying the church and Christ. On the commercial/financial side is merely the deregulation of corporations, owned by plutocratic non-Jews and plutocratic Jews, to do as they please internationally. In recent times, the WEF's "responsible" stakeholder capitalism, full of wealthy Jews, is really to financialse biometrics on an impact/value basis to be traded on wall-street. That way money flow can continue and niche markets based on data-pharming can open up keeping their economy afloat whilst the middle and lower classes are destroyed.

And here are the posts hibs censored that I posted:

^ ^ ^ Removed 5 times by hibs.

Here is an interesting post hibs posted about anti-Semitism:

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Also, for whatever It's worth, I didn't even wanted to show you who Jesus really is. I only did so because you persisted a little too much. But I'll keep resisting as long as you guys continue to oppose me.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I'm kind to most people. I just have a short temper for CIA weirdos.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Well, just don't claim others are CIA agents when they're not and you have no evidence for such claims.

[–]HibikiBlackCaudillo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's where you are mistaken. My accusations are hardly baseless, you clearly don't undestand how logical fallacies work.

You are the guy who hates tribalism and nationalism and make the claim that this world is a corruption and that radical supernaturalism is the answer to our problems, which are pretty much Jesuit ideals and you expect me to believe the claims you make of a Jewish World Domination plan, despite the fact that I have completely destroyed the Greater Israel narrative already?

Is this what I'm supposed to do /u/magnora7? Listen to the advices of the Catholic, supernaturalist dude that follows Jesuit ideals? the guys who were responsible for pushing anti-Semitism like crazy everywhere? I refuse to do something that stupid, this is anti-intellectualism incarnate.

So long, Jesus. I've tried reasoning with you many times already and you clearly don't care if you keep pushing the retarted Greater Israel narratives and barely mention the Jesuit technocracy.

It's over. With this I've completely eliminated the Catholic influence in my sub. It's been completely exterminated.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Freemason Paris writes:

...Re-read a certain passage of the "Spiritual Exercises" which says that "the Jesuit must be ready, if the Church declares that what he sees as black is white, to agree with her, even though his senses tell him the opposite". (61)

As far as that is concerned, R.P. Fessard seems to be an excellent Jesuit!

On the 7th of March 1936, Hitler brought the Wehrmacht into the de- militarised Rhine region, so tearing up the pact of Locarno. On the 11th of March 1938, it was the Anschluss (union of Austria and Germany), and on the 29th of September of the same year, in Munich, France and England had imposed on them by the Reich the annexation of Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in 'Mein Kampf were already realised; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For — as so many ignore the fact — it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it.

His last source for the chapter is (61), everything after is NOT SOURCED.

(61) "... siquid quod oculis nostris apparet album, nigrum illaesse defrnierit debemus itidem quod nigrum sit pronuntiare". "Institutum Societatis Jesus" (Roman edition of 1869, II p.417).

And for the Mein Kampf paragraph, NOTHING. NO SOURCE.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Addendum 2

Anti-Jesuit Eric John Phelps


Phelps promoting flat earth means he's a shill. Flat earth was a government PSYOP from the very beginning.

Why is it that all of the most vocal Jesuit conspiracy theorists defend Israel at every turn?

Also, Phelps was a white Sepratist and advocated these agent provocatuer beliefs online.

Vice President of a Newmanstown, Pennsylvania, firm, According to the firm’s website, Phelps is a trader and merchant of wholesale diamonds and colored gems from Israel. In a letter posted on the website with his signature as Vice President, Phelps boasts:

"Lowvehm, Inc. offers the finest quality diamonds on today’s market. Israeli cutters being the best in the world, we order direct from Tel Aviv (Israel’s) famous diamond district. All sales are final. No refunds are given..."

Phelps then closes the offer with:

"Sincerely for your gemological satisfaction,"

Eric Jon Phelps

Vice President

Lowvehm Inc.

203 South Fort Zellers Rd., Suite D

Newmanstown, PA 17073

Phelps also brags on the website that he can assist "our wealthy clients" with "customized," exclusive international business consultant services. He promises to help "men and women of wealth" survive and prosper in the 21st century.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Now as someone who likes to debate, please DO NOT censor and delete my posts hibs... thanks.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Knights of Malta – Jesuit theorists, where they can’t malign someone based on their university attendance, malign them by their membership with the Knights of Malta or even if someone displays a logo or symbol[i] bearing the remotest resemblance to the symbols of the Knights of Malta or the Jesuits. If those canards fail, they outright deceive their audience by falsely associating the Catholic Knights of Malta—officially called Sovereign Military Order of Malta—with Freemasonry. Speculative freemasonry’s York Rite has a degree titled Order of Knights of Malta (click on the image to the right to see a larger view of the masonic structure of degrees). The Vatican has issued a clarification stating that it does not recognize any other group using the Malta name but its own.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)