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[–]jet199 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Just a reminder, for anyone who suddenly became terrified by Russia, that Pakistan has nukes.

[–]jingles 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

islam already owns the united states and europe.. the battle is over.. it is done.

next time you stop at a gas station or a corner convenience store, try to understand that whoever owns this segment of our economies will eventually have the power to dominate over and to enslave these communities.

i learned of the power of operating a store when i was incarcerated.. if a man in prison or jail can "loan" an item (ramen soup, candy bar, potato chips, etc) to another inmate and that inmate is required to pay back two or three of what he has borrowed... then the man that operates the store wiill become very rich... he will have boxes and bags of soups and candy bars and potato chips..

the only problem with "running a store" in prison is that it is always against the rules of the jail or prison and they will eventually confiscate about 90% of your goods and leave you will just enough to start running a store again..

but when you run a store in the free world, you store your wealth in a bank, not under your bunk.

the most profound streams of revenue in any community are the motel and the corner store... these two businesses are NOT seasonal in that they operate 365x24x7 and they do not close down because of any thunderstorm or other natural disaster..

where i live in houston, pretty much every corner store and motel is owned by muslims and indians..

white folks dont own any thing any more.
