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[–]Administrative_worth 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I work with children. Very high tier cope. You can curb out their bullying tendencies and see everyone prosper, nit just the big tall white kids. Especially seeing the "low tier" kids, many of whom come in with way less confidence than the taller stronger kids, and imparting to them that confidence, watching them learn to respect themselves more. Major good cope. In fact the chad and stacy parents usually hate me, because they expect their chad or stacy in the making to get more time and praise. To them it's not about equality, it's about getting the "fair share" they think they deserve.

It's swimming and aquatic safety. There's quite a few chad parents who want their kids in the Olympics. I can tell you they will never make it. Dad was probably a good swimmer because he was 6ft 3 and shoulder heavy. But never good in technique to go pro. But chads and stacy's all seem to think, their life ambitions are a divine right. It's a great feeling to politely let them down.

Only problem is that because it's a sporting environment job. And all the bosses are women, the avg SMV of the guys is like 6.5-7. the average SMv of the female employees is like 4.5

You literally get hired based on looks, and getting a promotion is more popularity and looks based than skills/ knowledge and competency. A stacy just got promoted, and she is one of the laziest employees.

[–]Riceand420[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You are doing honerable work. Now that I am older I realize the important of teachers.

I also like to pass knowledge to my fellow peers. But teaching to children is something i would never do. In my country the children don't respect the teachers anymore. And if you wanna do anything about it, you will be dealing with their parents. Last year i saw that a male teacher was fired because he lighty grabbed student by the neck, the student was constantly pushing challenging the teacher. I know that as lmv asian male It would now be the thing for me.

Your last scentence: "You literally get hired based on looks, and getting a promotion is more popularity and looks based than skills/ knowledge and competency. A stacy just got promoted, and she is one of the laziest employees."

I heard this also from my friends, business is a popularity contest, the talkers get promoted not the workers doing the hard work, fuck life

Thanks for sharing your experience fren

[–]Administrative_worth 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah bro, a lot of businesses out there are run like popularity contests. Not the top performing ones mind you. One of my teachers was a banker and stock trader for credit Suisse. Acne scarred face. But she is a hell of a worker.

A lot of chads and chadlites do go into banking and finance, but the ones who make it, are the workers, and smart ones. The ones who put in 12 hours a day. But most non high functioning businesses, it's all a social game. So long as you aren't completely incompetent, the popular people get hired and promoted first. They just have a better "vibe" about them.

I was in fact denied a promotion once because I was described as "uncooperative" Such bullshit. I help out everybody. It's just that I don't let the chads push me around, and I know what my role entails, and their role and won't let them offload their workload on me. But that breaks their realm of expectations, therefore upsets them, therefore they rationalise to justify their outrage.