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[–]Administrative_worth 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The key to success in life is? Being aesthetically pleasing.

Low confidence? Not when you have people worshipping you. It's even easier to make male friends. There's just an instant level of respect they offer. Easier to get a jon, or promotion. Your clients like you more so they review you higher.

WE all intrinsically have it in us to be likable, to be funny, and loved. Everyone fucking has it. The difference is, if people will accept those qualities from you. If they don't think you're worth listening to and interacting with, they will reject you. if you're good looking, the doors open.

That's the brutal blackpill reality. You are good enough. You likely do have a good enough pers0nality. It's just that in terms of the social hierarchy of our species. That is fundamentally biologically driven, nobody gives a fuck about you if you're a sub 5.5 male. That's why chadfishing works so well. you know what women like to hear, how dirty they like to talk? But only for chad. If you put a chad on your resume photo, you'd get invited to every interview you submitted an application for. If you watch a bitch use tinder, you'll can see the play across her face. A look of disgusted disinterest, occasional study if it's a high tier normie that usually ends in a No, and then you hear her suck in breath in when chad shows up. Cause she begins fantasising what those two together may look like.

Your physical biology determines far more of your confidence, and acceptance into society than your "pers0nality"

believe me, "successful" people do the stuff on the right. A lot. They get angry, they hold grudges, they hoard information. But they are forgiven that, they must have a good reason for feeling angry. Meanwhile if Billy beta displays any non positive emotions, he must need therapy, he's a menace etc.

[–]automoderator[M] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Therapy is a bluepilled cope, it doesn't fix your height.

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