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[–]Administrative_worth 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Almost all women only understand one language. Power. Be it social power. Look who 7/10 girls sometimes hang out with. They usually have one 4/10 friend who's basically their lapdog. The rest of their friends are "equals"

The one thing women despise in a non-chad is weakness. AS a non-chad your whole purpose to women is to work. Pay your way. If you're sick or unwell, they hate it. You can see the hatred in their eyes. I had a spinal injury, age 21, my own mother was looking at me like that the whole time.

Women are callous. The cardinal sin is weakness. Studies have shown women hate it when their husbands complain of a health issue. They'd rather the man neglect himself.

The entire life of a woman is honestly spent chasing status. From birth to death. A few break out of the cycle, most don't. They chase clothes, the house, the chads, then the rich husband. They chase the beautiful designer apartment, and the useless tacky shit. The body. They post about it, brag about it. Because it marks them as "better"

"empathy" is a double edged sword. It means you can both understand another person, but also manipulate them. Female "positive" empathy really only extends as far as to helping out when it could positively impact them. They might help out their kids. emphasis on might. Not all mothers will, unless they "feel" like it. Remember it's about them. Secondly, they will almost always hlelp out a chad in some way. Unless they have multiple chads, so a single chad is worth less to them.

They "feel" like they want to. They want him in their life. He reinforces status to them. He isn't weak.

Men on the other hand, are usually willing to help out someone in need. Not give up major time etc, but help them out.

[–]Wesborlandisagod5 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

this is why I cut off my mother for more than 2 years, she is now submitting to what i say all the words that come out her mouth are literally positive, ITS CRAZY! every female is just someone else you have to dominate, even your own Mother.