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[–]TwerKing 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

I have a friend who takes it far back as it gets. He believes that humans came from antarctica, not africa. My friend also believes that goldens (sea/ea/ca) are the first people where all other humans began. Not africans like how some western anthropologists think for now.

[–]GoldenDynasty[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

personally the out of africa theory sounds like bs to me

[–]Golden_Gunner 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

Amen to that!

I personally don’t trust western anthropologists and western institutions. They have been pozzed for a very long time. Thats why western universities are purveyors of lies/deceit. They educate dumb western youth in there universities to be baizous/social liberal leftists. Thats a red flag and they have been pozzed for a long time.

Its just more pro wakandan propaganda fuck westoid culture and there roach worshipping non sense

I don’t want the roach worshipping to infest golden asia too man.

Man we have to study and observe these wakandans and there worshippers more if we are to counter there bullshit.

[–]battlfieldnerd 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (7 children)

This wakandan worship is definitely a real danger given China's growing influence in Africa. I'm of the mind that even half-wakandans, half-Goldens need to stay in Africa tbh. The only acceptable mixed races that should be allowed to stay in our homelands are those who would be a natural result of mixing with those races bordering Golden homelands in the pre-modern era.

[–]AuricChicken 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Let's be real. Wakandan and pinkoid males (even with their recessive genes) or any other XM for that matter (poos or sand bois) obviously do not give a shit if their kids turn out black,pink or w/e. Anyone that isn't blind will realise that the most self hating wmaf hapas are the Asian passing ones. I would argue the white passing ones are actually less self hating and anti Golden because they can just identify as pink and ignore their Asian side altogether. So just because these halfies look Asian does not mean they promote Goldens and in fact they do the opposite.

The pink and wakandan males instills and promotes wakandan and pink supremacy on their mixed children, asian or not.If wakandans, pinks, poos and other XM could have it their way, they would either root, boot and leave back to their nations or take a bride back home to their pro-whatever race communities. It's happened several times in history. Goldens have no choice but to do the same. Asian Americucks are a good example of what not mateguarding and being passive does. The majority of asian Americuck women are infested with stds and the men are castrated eunuchs. You either eat or get eaten. Non-Golden xms have no problems with creating hapas and forcing them to embrace their paternal sides, regardless of how they look. ( look at wmaf hapa americucks for instance) So the name of the game is not about appearance, it's about upbringing and embracing their paternal sides and creating and moulding an identity based on that. Asian Americucks need to wake the hell up.I know this Asian Aussie guy who has a son and daughter with a black woman, the son is definitely SEA passing, while the daughter is black passing, however both of them primarily identify with their Golden side and even calls out black on Asian crimes, even though they don't belong to the Americuck diaspora. As long as the AMXF hapa fully embraces their roots and supports Golden men than I say fuck it allow them into Asia, every other race of males is doing the same. Besides, if you know your Golden history, we were dominating all other continents and cucking the men pre-modern era. Asian Americans also have their own MAJOR problems.... looks like being cucked by pinkoids ain't enough, now Asian Americucks want Tyrone to cuck them too. But Asian Americunts think ambf is the problem and are "selective" ( even with a 4 in 1 bmaf to ambf ratio and getting worse).When the majority of your women date pinkoids or tyrone, you lost. Just look at this shit:

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]AuricChicken 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Yes, I am generally referring to mainly Asian American males and by extension Asians in the West because Asian Americans dwarf other Western born Asian groups by population. I wasn't having a go at anyone specifically, but Asian Americans have the tendency to make the dumbest decisions, even supposedly "based" Golden males who let larping arab males, blacc males into our personal spaces and see them as "allies"...ask golden gunner, he knows all about it. If these are the "based" Asian Americans than Asians in the West are doomed and I am fed up by their stupidity.

    As for the wakandans, to be fair all racial groups are different if you include the neartherthals, denisovans etc. and other hominid species. Goldens have the most neatherthal blood of any other racial group and the only group along with Australian abos to have Denisovan genetics. Europeans generally have less Neantherthal blood than Goldens but no Denisovan genes. While Africans hardly have any Neantherthal or Denisovan genetics. And there are Caucasian looking Africans in North Africa as well. Even African American Wakandans which is the specific wakandan group that affects Asian Americans are mixed with pink male lineages and they are of mainly Western African descent. So they are different genetically from the mainlanders of wakanda and very different genetically to East Africans. So, it is not always clear cut, when you view the genetics outside of the Americas.

    So I think everyone can agree Asian Americans are at the most risk of not only being pinked but wakandanised. How exactly are you going to stop your community from getting blacked by bm inevitably, when you have cucks like the above video in your community? Tell tyrone nicely to stop cucking Asian Americans? What about Mob justice? Oh wait, it's Asian Americans getting bashed by the wakanda muricans. How are you going to stop trending Asian Americucks to stop promoting bmaf viewed by MILLIONS worldwide? Ask them nicely? Oh, but then they'll call you a racist. So essentially what Asian American males are doing is nothing, while pink and wakandan males are taking all their women.

    Well, I believe in a proactive approach,promote all forms of amxf, especially when you have no choice like Asian American males. Your options are simply: 1) be proactive and represent and support ambf to balance it out, much like other amxf. 2)pick bmaf and support it( Asian Americuckold route) 3) Do nothing, close your eyes and wish it will go away. Meanwhile tyrones and timmies hapanise your community to strengthen snd promote theirs, which is already happening and getting worse by the day.

    The right option is obvious. The top based members with a brain and critical thinking skills pick 1. So that is what this sub will do. You don't have to like it or even support it. But bite your tongue and realise that it is a "necessary evil" according to some Asian Americans. If you or any other members strongly disagree with being proactive or can not accept this, then the sub is simply not for you. Once this pink and wakandan xmaf degenerency and worship eventually spreads to the whole of the West (NZ and Aussie Goldens will probably be able to hold their own) and then into Asia itself. Native Asians are probably going to be in the same predicament. (Hopefully the West will faIl by then) and if a Golden nation gets cucked so bad that their entire nation and culture is ravaged that is their own damn fault. But it is integral that we counter, fight and contain the xmaf cancer and bmaf (which I think has great potential to be even worse for Asian Americans than the wmaf in their communities) in the states.

    [–]battlfieldnerd 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    For the Asian American community, I believe your argument is a strong one. I would still like our ancestral lands to be protected from this problem. Basically, Asian Americans are going to have to take one for the team which is not necessary a bad thing. There are already some case studies in history of one ethnic group basically breeding out certain phenotypes such as Amerindians and mixed Australian aboriginals that were a result of European colonization. Further back in history, we have the Mongol/Xiong Nu conquests of Eastern Europe which also contributed to the permanent stamp of Golden genes on populations outside Asia. So I can see where you're going with this and it makes some sense and I support brothers in the diaspora who choose to go to the AMBF route. However, they must realize that this is for the purpose of spreading the lineage and that their children will not necessarily be accepted in the homelands (and rightfully so). Personally, I would rather find a partner that is not a wakandan. Alternatives to wakandans are the rapidly growing Hispanic/Latino community which have heavy Amerindian genetics and whose ancestors are far more related to Goldens than any other population group.

    [–]Golden_Gunner 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    I agree 100 percent with what you said Keep the wakandans and half wakandans out of asia!

    They should keep there trashy rap/hip hop music and other wakandan subcultures out too!

    Did you know that in japan there allowing half wakandan and half asians athletes to represent japan in track and field and tennis smh.

    It gives this false impression that these half wakandans got upgraded and the only reason they can compete at the highest level is there cockroach wakandan side smh.

    I don’t know why but recently these japanese have been cucking real hard to the wakandans. From having the yakuza using wakandan body guards i saw from an old eastern sun rising post to even having wakandan supremacist porn in jav.

    Yes thats right these dumb japanese chancucks are copying westoid porn with there wakandan cockroach male worship in porn. In jav these chancucked japanese are allowing these ugly looking cockroach wakandan’s fuck wfs and afs.

    They should be showing pro golden mongoloid men content not pro wakandan cockroach male trash and other xm garbage


    But i agree with you these wakandans and those mixed race half wakandans should be kept out of golden asia

    [–]battlfieldnerd 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    It's kinda sick that Japanese treat half wakandans/half Asians well while abusing full Mongoloids like the Korean minority and the Okinawans/Ryukyuans. Seems like the Japanese need to be buck broken again like the Ming Dynasty did to them when they tried to satisfy their habit of invading the Korean peninsula for the umpteenth time.

    [–]Golden_Gunner 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I know right why the fuck do they treat these half wakandans so well but other golden ethnicities like shit smh. I quess the japanese chancucks really want to be like there white role models who are cucks to these wakandan roaches.

    Why TF is this world uplifting these god damn wakandans so much smh. What have they contributed and what have they done for humanity!

    Almost everywhere they migrate to the place eventual turns into shit (look at certain places in europe) Those wakandan males just go around and start trouble (crime) and sexually abuse woman if you remember those posts on eastern sun rising they abused the asian females including underaged school girls.

    These japanese chancucks need to be taught a lesson. I heard the koreans have negative sentiments towards these japanese chancucks.

    The koreans want to invade japan and strangle there necks. I support them in there endeavours to buck break these japanese chancucks.

    A korean was responsible for taking out shinzo abe so anything is possible.

    Maybe the chinese and koreans should help out the embattled Okinawans/Ryukyuans goldens.

    I wonder why the japanese are so obsess with trying to dominate china in the past to even the current day. They should let go of that obsession.

    Anybody that puts other races over there own fellow goldens are a bunch of chancucks and lus.