


/u/JasonCarswell/, subsaidits, posts, comments, wiki page, InfoGalactic projects

  • GaP Draft1 = GaP: Origin Story
  • GaP Draft2 = GaP: -
  • GaP Draft3 = G.O: GaP: -
  • GaP Draft4 = T101: PProd - Pre-Series Short
  • GaP Draft5 = G.O: T101 Pre-Series Short Review & Discussion
  • GaP Draft6 = T101: PProd - Overarching Content Structure
  • GaP Draft7 = G.O: T101 PProd Overarching Content Review
  • GaP Draft8 = G.O: BsS 1A Reviews + 1B Anticipations
  • GaP Draft9 = G.O: BsS 1B Reviews + 2A Anticipations

  • BsS Draft1 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 1A
  • BsS Draft2 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 1B
  • BsS Draft3 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 2A
  • BsS Draft4 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 2B
  • BsS Draft5 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 3A
  • BsS Draft6 = BsS: Vomit Draft, Act 3B
  • BsS Draft7 = BsS: Breakdowns & Backstories
  • BsS Draft8 = BsS: Who/What is vHOPE?
  • BsS Draft9 = BsS: -

DRAFT #4 = Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Pre-Series Short

Trutherism 101 - Pre-Production - Pre-Series Short

For the /s/Trutherism101 project.

First posted: 2019-06-xx   |   Last update: 2019-06-xx

If you haven't already, you may like to first read:

  1. Glossed And Profound: Origin Story, A Brief History On How These Projects Came To Be, wiki draft
  2. Glossed Over: My Self-Imposed Rules For Writing
  3. Trutherism 101: Content Overview for this subsaidit
  4. Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Series Concept Outline
  5. Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Pre-Series Short, wiki draft
  6. Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Series Content Outline for all chapters and topics, wiki draft

T101 PSS - Epiphany

This T101 project aims to hit the hardest topics, to seek truths, and share them - with a ticklish feather. Not just because the pen is mightier than the sword, but because it goes better in your hat.

I was feeling a little overwhelmed. I have ridiculous volumes of random concepts, ideas, notes, and miscellaneous stuff from a 10 year period, all of which ranks from fair to absolutely brilliant - but it's so huge and chaotic that looking for anything within it is painful. I know I had a better start on this T101 project that I wanted to use and start from. Avoiding my vault I'm still determined to move forward somehow, even if it means starting anew.

Since I'm starting anew, and could always use some help, I thought it might be fun to engage folks and ask them for their ideas. I'm not an engaging enough writer, much less concise, to really draw any attention in this wild world of Internet social media.

An then, on 2019-06-17, I had an epiphany...

Just as I intend to openly develop these projects, so too, I'm going to develop a Trutherism 101 Pre-Series Short animation to summarize what the show is about, about the open management project, what help I/we need, and how folks might support me/us.

I'll wrap up this "T101 Pre-Series Short" with my other "Green Triumph" animated short currently in progress for: 1) the Zoon Politikon YouTube channel opening/closing, 2) the Green/Internet/Pirate Parties to use as they see fit, 3) a promotional spot, and 4) to become open-source content 5 years after initial release - but without branding graphics or informative exposition text.

T101 PSS - Concept

The simple "T101 Pre-Series Short" concept in a nutshell...

The script is yet to be determined, to be openly developed here, on Maybe you want to help.

It begins with our two characters, like actors, simply sitting on two director's chairs, with nothing of interest in the background - flat black, a pastel colour, or a plain cyclorama with a hint of lighting.

Our two polished characters greet the viewer and briefly introduce this project, how it needs creative input, financial support, and feedback on how to improve it.

Something happens. Maybe one slips off their chair, a technical glitch, clever editing, a witty joke, or whatever cinematic device tickles our fancy. This narrative/editorial segue is yet to be determined.

The segue throws us into a montage scene of rough sketches, character development, illustrations, etc. showing the development of the characters and their outfits, then various 3D and 2D experimental treatments to arrive at a "style" or "look" for our limited animation. Then the animation gets a similar treatment experimenting with variations on ways of moving for our characters. I'd like to use voices of the talent who tried out but didn't make it. If sound engineering is necessary at this stage it deserves a treatment. The screen may be quartered to show more things evolving in each panel, including screenshots of SaidIt discussions and script development. Perhaps the screen cuts into 9 panels, then 16, and so on...

As the making-of behind-the-scenes pre-production refining process continues our two characters narrate about the process until they are fully polished. (These polished characters will look good but won't necessarily be locked down as they may be further tweaked and modified before series production begins with final audio reading final scripts.)

In their polished state they are again isolated from any interesting background. With a snap of their fingers (or some other gesture) the background changes and they are on a hillside. (Maybe after the snap-teleportation, one is on the ground while the other is hovering above it, falls, and regains composure.) They walk up the hillside to the nearby hilltop as the camera pulls back revealing the epic view. Fade out.

What they say over the last paragraph's scenario and/or over the end credits is yet to be determined.

It then concludes with the "Green Triumph" animated short with end credits.

T101 PSS - Production Flows & Funds

During the construction of this "T101 Pre-Series Short" I/we'll be sharing developments for feedback while openly evolving a production pipeline process to be utilized for the series, as well as establishing financial support and reward systems of /s/GlossedAndProfound, the open online production management co-op.

I hate dealing with money. But it's a necessary evil. And I'd like to eat better and live more comfortably. But primarily, assuming people like it, I want help on this vision, and to reward that help. Money will not solve all the problems, but it will hopefully make things go faster in this dire time of increasing censorship among countless other problems. But adding people takes time and energy. Hopefully all this effort will be worth it. If I wasn't documenting all this stuff I might be well into production. But it's not just about me. Feedback can make it a better product with a better message, and that's the ultimate goal.

T101 PSS - Title

This "T101 Pre-Series Short" could use a better title.


  • Trutherism 101 Series In Development Announcement
  • Trutherism 101 Series, Currently In Development
  • Trutherism 101 Series, Invitation To Participate
  • Trutherism 101 Series, Needs Your Support
  • Trutherism 101 Series, Needs Your Support, Creativity, & Feedback
  • DIY Animated Trutherism 101 Comedy Series
  • Animated Trutherism 101 Comedy Series, Coming Soon
  • Animated Trutherism 101 Comedy Series, Coming Soon, With Your Help
  • Three Minutes About Our New Animated Truther Comedy Series
  • Three Minutes About Our New Animated Alternative Comedy Series
  • Three Minutes About Our New Animated AntiEstablishment Comedy Series
  • Three Minutes About Our New Animated Agitprop Comedy Series
  • Saving The World With Our New Animated Agitprop Comedy Series
  • Saving The World From "Authority" With Our New Animated Comedy Series

Maybe there's a better title for the "Trutherism 101" series too. One that won't trigger the censor Al-Gore-rhythms. Perhaps the final mockumentary will need a distinguishing title too.

Naturally logos, branding, marketing and merchandise are called for too.

If ever there was a time, it will be during the production of this "T101 Pre-Series Short".

T101 PSS - ...




T101 PSS - Feedback!

The /s/Trutherism101 subsaidit and its posts are locked, for publishing only, and they'll be updated over time.

Please freely join in on this dedicated /s/GlossedOver open discussion, and specifically about this T101 Pre-Series Short give feedback with [comments and reviews here](▶▶▶_ADD LINK HERE_◀◀◀).

I welcome all constructive criticism. This first pass will have issues with it. Some I may already know about with ready solutions, some need working out, some I know still need resolving but don't yet know how, and I'm guessing there are some issues I haven't even considered. Thanks in advance, and I apologize in advance if I don't get a response to you sooner than later.

Glossed And Profound & Glossed Over & Truther Top 20s = FLOSS content ◀
Bittersweet Seeds & Trutherism 101 © Jason Carswell of Glossed And Profound
▶ Once established with sufficient momentum, sustainability, and security, these projects will be open-sourced. Upon the untimely demise of Jason Carswell all become F/LOSS.
/s/GlossedOver + Content Overview + wiki, participation discussion over all 5 projects
/s/GlossedAndProfound + Content Overview + wiki, management
/s/BittersweetSeeds + Content Overview + wiki, in development
/s/Trutherism101 + Content Overview + wiki + InfoGalactic T101, in development
/s/TrutherTop20s + wiki + InfoGalactic TT20, ongoing
▶ donate options + merchandise store = coming eventually,, and were registered on 2019-05-01 for future use. Long in conception, finally here on SaidIt, the official origin place, started on May Day, 2019. May 1 is a metonym for International Workers Day, a day of celebration of the working class. Behind it lies a complex largely forgotten history dating back over one-and-a-half centuries. Look into it.

Trutherism 101 thumbnail image not working for some reason
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revision by JasonCarswell— view source