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[–]NutterButterFlutter[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Chrome Translation:

In the framework of the 2018 Pride March, radical feminist lesbians of RADAR (Radical Feminists of Argentina) launched this communication by separating us from the GBTIQ + movement, as it is a masculinist, neoliberal, reactionary and lesbophobic movement that no lesbian should be a part of.

By equating masculine homosexuality with feminine homosexuality, the revolutionary character of lesbianism is neutralized and rendered invisible as the most radical expression of women's struggle for their emancipation. In a phallocentric world where misogony is law, where we are socialized to serve men; loving us and dedicating our lives to other women is revolutionary. The place of lesbians is radical feminism.

As radical feminists, we oppose the questivist and queer theory characteristic of the GBTIQ movement which, infiltrated in feminism, hinders the essential analysis of the root of the oppression of women (gender as an oppressive institution imposed on women based on homogeneity). to our potential reproductive capacity) trying to subjectivize what it is to be a woman. Our material reality and experiences as women and as lesbians are not in dispute. Women have a vulva. Lesbians are women. Lesbians do not like penises.

We demonstrate the pressures and attempts of coercion so that we have sexual relations with trans-women, and the accusations of transphobia every time we express our rejection.

We denounce the trans perspective that promotes hormones and surgeries to healthy people for not fitting in with gender stereotypes; Our bodies are fine, we were not born in the wrong body. Being "masculine" lesbians does not make us trans-males, this conservative logic perpetuates the dynamics of heterosexual relationships and the sex-gender system. We repudiate the harassment of our sisters so that they "come out of the closet trans".

The inhibition of hormones in children is child violence.

We reject the disrespectful statements that our heterosexual sisters "are privileged" because they are so, when this only represents a threat to their integrity when they relate intimately with men, of whom bisexuals are also victims.

Regarding the subconsigns of the MARCH OF THE PRIDE 2018:

The personal is political. It is no coincidence that in a patriarchal and pedophile culture, statistically in BDSM relationships are mostly women beaten, humiliated and tortured, or those who play the role of girls.

Pornography is filmed prostitution and teaches men to rape and women to eroticize the violence they receive. In addition, lesbian pornography creates a morbidity on the part of men towards our relationships, sexualizing us for their consumption.

PROSTITUTION IS VIOLENCE, I DO NOT WORK . State support for victims of sexual exploitation. Criminalization of the putero and the pimp.


Lesbian pride is in radical feminism . We are waiting for you in this fight.