all 3 comments

[–][deleted] [score hidden] stickied comment (2 children)

Unfortunately (as this is an interesting and relevant topic), I think this post is not in keeping with the moderation policy. It's a bit in the gray area, but I don't think I'm doing anyone any favors by not trying to moderate according to the publicly stated rules. Especially if I would moderate another woman who tried responding in a similar way. If you would like to, please resubmit the post after editing to bring it in line with the moderation policy. More details below.

Specifically this rule, under "What content is removed?":

Other content is moderated according to SaidIt's pyramid of debate. Content containing anything from the bottom 4 levels is removed, even if it also contains content from higher levels.

I would consider these things to be light name-calling:

an unusually big amount of these "ladies"

This seems like it was probably meant in an insulting way, but it's hard to be sure, and "ladies" is accurate if one believes these people are not really female ladies. But if you're going to resubmit, please choose a word here that is less likely to be interpreted or misinterpreted as a mild insult.

I'd be willing to bet a lot less men believe in this whole "women have penises" "war is peace" style modern wokespeak

I would consider "wokespeak" here to be a sort of name-calling. It seems to carry negative connotations, delegitimizing these viewpoints, in addition to being descriptive.

And now it seems those woke women have decided to hand the movement over to men in skirts.

I would consider "woke" here to be a mild form of name-calling. I would also consider "men in skirts" to be a mild form of name-calling, though if that were the only thing I would probably leave it alone as it also works as a descriptor.

As this is an interesting topic, I hope you consider resubmitting. Sorry to have to moderate, but keep in mind that the rules are meant to keep this a productive place for discussions between women from very different backgrounds, and hopefully all moderation helps keep things in line with that positive intent. Though I will be removing the post, the content should still be available in your personal account to copy, edit, and resubmit fairly easily as desired.