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[–]FlippyKing 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

This is a Gender Critical sub on SaidIt. Your question is about sex. Sex refers to reproduction, and there are two and only two sexes in sexual reproduction, male and female, and in humans male are men and female are women. How would YOU classify people with CAIS in this very binary pair of reproductive categories?

As for your last question, the whole point of your post, a definition should be accurate and useful. "Affirming" has nothing to do with it. You admit your question about CAIS has nothing to do with trans, so why treat people with CAIS as a trojan horse to sneak males into the category of women? The answer to your last question is obvious: the argument for a "non-trans-affirming" definition (and you need to use such a word salad because reality is "non-trans-affirming" and in fact trans-dyfunction-triggering-and-dysphoria-triggering-but-mostly-self-delussion-triggering) is that trans identified males are not adult human females.

[–]whoamiwhowhowhowho[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

There's no need to be hostile. I know what this sub is; I was on /r/gc for years. I'm using those terms that you pointed out because I'm not strictly GC, not because of the reasons you assumed.

Edit: Since you asked:

How would YOU classify people with CAIS in this very binary pair of reproductive categories?

I don't know. That's why I asked the question here instead of somewhere where I would get answers about people with CAIS's identities or something. If I go by the definitions of male and female that I've learned in GC spaces, like I said, I would have to say male. That is a problem because I see them as women. Either I'm being inconsistent with my definition of "woman," or I'm wrong about whether XY people with CAIS are women. I don't want to be inconsistent or wrong, so I'm trying to figure this out.

[–]FlippyKing 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not being hostile, I'm pointing out that you start and spend a lot of text deep in matters of biological sex, but then at the end you switch to talking about trans and bring up the topic of non-affirming definitions. I think your post is all statements until you ask a question about a trans matter and that part of your post if fully in a transgender context and has nothing to do with the post. The point of your post was to ask a question, and that question is in a context of gender, not sex which is where you start off the post. You will be inconsistent when you conflate sex and someone's sense that they have an identity that is somehow gendered.

This is the primary question in my mind that might lead to a resolution to your problem with regard to how to categorize people with CAIS: is the morphology of the person's genitals that of the male or female of our species? A follow up question might be: can the person impregnate a woman (actual woman, adult human female) during sex? People with CAIS have female genital morphology and the nature of the DSD is such that they develop similar or perhpas lower in some parts of the body bone density to typical women.

But regardless of how you classify them, this has nothing to do with gender. A problem categorizing a person with CAIS has nothing to do with categorizing trans identified males or trans identified females.