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[–]tervacious 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I came of age in the 80s/90s when 2nd wave feminism was the main kind. Fine with that version. Not fine with the one that emerged in the late 90s/00s when "feminazi" started getting thrown around & everyone scattered, that's when all the "I'm not a feminist but I believe in equal rights" was the thing and thus we had sex-positive, Sex & the City-style feminism that in turn birthed this nonsense we have today which means feminism = inclusive of everyone meaning men go to the front of the line and women move over and make sandwiches.

That said I am not down with the mother-hating, kill your sons, if you wear a dress you are a patriarchial dupe stuff that alienates most women who actually need feminism and can benefit from some RF reading and backbone but don't want the whole box set and just want the hits. Yes gender performance weighs on women and yes the makeup and plastic surgery industry is fueled by woman-hating and institutions in general shit on women, from political parties and religion to political ideologies, education, corporation, marriage, etc. All of them. But I am too old to care about purity, it does not interest me, and most of us have to make compromises and/or have things like jobs/families/communities/other obligations that are both shitty and great. I will take feminism that puts women first, reinforces women's boundaries and encourages them to listen to their instincts. But I'm not gonna jump through hoops just to call myself one flavor of feminist over another.