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[–]grammaroo 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

not to sound like an ass but it will come for you and you wont be prepared for all the extreme constructivism they'll use. death is a social construct...but you still die. red is a social construct because the atoms only reflect certain photonic frequencies but it's still what you call red. They'll just go on and on and on and it's because they find faults within whatever ideology you use because a lot of you people are gender essentialists and thats false. So france isnt "immune". And if you're not gay or lesbian then i hope you're aware they mostly invade gay and lesbian communities and then use their communities as launching pads to throw missiles at the feminists until they can invade womens organizations. Most of these transexuals are overwhelmingly straight men as well who "identify" as lesbians.