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[–]JasonNecks 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

There is no master plan, it's just the messed up way our culture evolved. No one is actually looking at things from above and choosing it to be this way, it's just a lot of different cogs in the machine of civilization reacting with each other. That may be an obnoxious metaphor for me to use here, but hopefully my meaning is grasped anyway.

[–]MarkTwainiac 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think if you looked into it more, I think you'd find that it's sorta both at once. A lot of different factors and forces are involved. But there is indeed a master plan - or several of them. The Dentons report revealed this. So does the history of the Harry Benjamin Society, PATH, Press for Change, the Yogyakarta Principles, the lobbying & funding efforts of pharmaceutical companies and cosmetic surgeons, the entryism of TRAs and the trans agenda into nearly all establishment women's rights & civil rights orgs as well as publishing, media and academia ...

Changing the language from transsexualism and transvestitism to the much more anodyne transgenderism was a deliberate tactic thought up, pushed for and successfully accomplished by TRAs specifically for the purpose of making the motives of TIMs seem to be about identity rather than sex and fetishism. So was the creation of the concept of "transgender child." Coz if the world can be convinced that pre-pubertal children can be trans, and that some children are "born in the wrong body," it means the world can be hoodwinked into believing being trans is an innate and innocent condition that's all about coming into the world with "a girl brain in a boy body" and which has absolutely nothing to do with the masturbatory habits, sexual fantasies & fetishism that give a subset of the adolescent & adult male population the super-duper boners and ecstatic sexual arousal they call "gender euphoria."

[–]YoutiaoLover 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Changing the language from transsexualism and transvestitism to the much more anodyne transgenderism was a deliberate tactic thought up, pushed for and successfully accomplished by TRAs specifically for the purpose of making the motives of TIMs seem to be about identity rather than sex and fetishism. So was the creation of the concept of "transgender child."

Yes, it'd be impossible for them to push their agenda on children without using the more innocent-sounding "transgender." Imagine they say "transsexual/transvestite child" or "my 4-year old identified as a transvestite!" instead, it'd sound incredibly wrong.