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[–]BEB 27 insightful - 16 fun27 insightful - 15 fun28 insightful - 16 fun -  (4 children)

Say, "I find it somewhat offensive that you can't tell that I'm a cis-male."

And then walk off.

[–]vitunrotta 18 insightful - 12 fun18 insightful - 11 fun19 insightful - 12 fun -  (3 children)

Ahah. Where I live the gendercraze hasn’t gone to those levels yet but... if they will, I’m prepared to say “I identify as a MAN so whatever I say from this moment on will be considered assertive and strong, not aggressive.”

Then they’ll have to deal with a man instead of a ~hysterically weird woman who is not afraid to speak her (oops! his) mind~.

No worries, I know it would/will backfire but damn do I want to try these maddening tactics... 👹

[–]BEB 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You sound like a lot of fun.

My question to everyone: What if it does backfire? I think (and I know it's hard) that we just have to stop giving a shit what people think of us. We need to stand up for ourselves every single time we can when we are confronted with this bullshit.

If it's a work situation and you'll get fired, then that's different. But in places where all you'll get are dirty looks, get them.

If we allow ourselves to be erased, it's now obvious that we will be, so let's now allow it.

[–]vitunrotta 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I am fun AND nuts, all at once. It’s a great deal! 100% of people recommend! (Small print: to stay away).

I do agree with you though. I fully understand that a lot of people are in figurative handcuffs because while they’d WANT to talk about things, they may risk their jobs, reputation, whatnot. But when those things are not necessarily at stake... don’t apologize. Fight. (Not with fists - words!)

I think it was Terry Pratchett (RIP) who said something along the lines “if you’re not angry, then you haven’t been paying enough attention.”

[–]BEB 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In the US, we also risk our health insurance. And we don't have the social safety net to fall back on that many other countries have.

Yesterday, I was reading about the latest attack on US feminists by a British feminist (for being "allied" with the Christian Right) - I think one of the factors that a few British GC feminists (thankfully just a few) don't get about the restrictions on GC feminists in the US is that it's not just our jobs, it's health insurance for ourselves and sometimes our dependents. And we'll be out on the street.

Also, we don't have a parliamentary system of government in the US, just the two parties, and the Democrats and the media that's not Far Right, as well as academia, corporations, etc., have bought into gender ideology hook, line and sinker.

So we have no one to turn to for allies except for other women, some conservative (and they often make great allies because they are fierce) and sometimes organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom. ADF was the only organization that would take the Title IX boys in girls' sports case - everyone else - all those liberal organizations - abandoned women.

The US is also a huge country. Most of us can't just pop on a train and meet up with other GC feminists in an hour like many of the UK feminists can, so almost all of us are protesting by ourselves. And many parts of the US are radically different from others - we have 50 states and many, many different cultures - so it makes political coherence even more difficult.

WoLF has explained their alliances with right wing groups very well, and proven that it hasn't turned WoLF into some kind of homophobic, anti-abortion organization - it's just that a few GC feminists in the UK just don't seem to want to understand the incredible obstacles US feminists face.

Anyway, that's my mini-rant because I really feel attacks on US feminists by GC people outside this country have no idea of the mountain we are climbing, mostly alone.

We women need to ally across politics and across countries, and stop judging each other, because we are fighting for our lives and our girls' lives.