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[–]msteacherlady 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

When they were just getting started they had a cute little market-testing store in an area I frequented. The manager there was overweight and super friendly. I enjoyed shopping there. I wouldn't mention her weight if it wasn't for the CEO's gatekeeping who he wanted wearing his products. So like, when you're a company just getting started, sure, have a great manager who doesn't fit your personal standards for looks, but I wonder where she is now?

Stupidly thinking they were some home-grown company back in the day I wrote them a fan letter and then also let them know what kind of exercise clothes features I'd be interested in. At the time I was into cross fit stuff, which was getting super popular, so I was just wondering if they had any plans to cater to that market. They could have just ignored me, or said "Glad you like our products, we hope you keep shopping with us!" but instead they responded that what I was asking for didn't suit their image. I couldn't believe that someone on their customer relations team actually decided that my little email was worth specifically responding to, and basically discouraging me to continue as a customer.

Shortly thereafter they opened a store at every mall in my area and the small store disappeared. I went into one and was immediately turned off. It just felt like walking into some cross between The Gap and an Apple store. All the clerks were under 22 and had the same body type. I don't have any problem with any individual who fits this description, but when your entire staff are clones, something's wrong with that.

I haven't bought anything from them since and only have one article of Lulu clothing left - the first thing I ever bought. It's this great breathable little tank and it's held up great to all of my multi-day hiking adventures. I have never run into anything like it since.

[–]BEB 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

I know two young women who are Lululemon fanatics. Or were. They complain now that the quality has gone way down.

One I managed to almost Peak Trans. The other I have to work on a little more. I think I need to use pictures of some of our lovely trans activists. When it comes to trans activists, pictures really do tell a thousand words...

[–]msteacherlady 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

That sounds like such a typical cycle for brands. Get your name recognized for whatever is good about it, then people keep buying because they trust the brand, then more people keep buying for no other reason than the logo clout, and at that point you can lower the quality and raise the prices because people are idiots.

Commercial trans visibility is so insulting, even when the models are not revolting like our poster boys of "These are not our crimes." I've already had it with the long tenure of young, photoshopped and starved young women being better at woman-ing than I am, but now literal men too?