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[–]msteacherlady 10 insightful - 5 fun10 insightful - 4 fun11 insightful - 5 fun -  (2 children)

Linked in that article is this:

Parents may think private and charter is safe. Not so. As a public school teacher I have an ask for parents out there. Rather than quietly pulling your children out of school, please raise your voices. Go to board meetings. Get this curriculum placed on their agendas. Right now, as a science teacher, trans curriculum doesn't belong in any of my state-mandated standards, and I'd like to keep it that way. Unfortunately it seems to be only conservative groups who are raising the alarm, and they already dismissed in some areas for their history of unreasonable stances on teaching evolution and plate tectonics.

[–]vitunrotta 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

plate tectonics.

Not surprised it's just the religious nutters who go against this TRA bs (I grew up in a goddamn sect so I get to use that derogatory word of them, hah!) but PLATE TECTONICS is also something they wanted to not teach their kids?! What the what? I burst out laughing when I read that at first but holy jeebers on a tricycle, it makes them sound way nuttier than I ever imagined...

And THESE people are our "allies" in this fight. I need about 25 more hands to do the proper face palm that is required for this.

[–]msteacherlady 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I tell ya, I've seen everything. Even another teacher teach alternatives to plate tectonics! However, I NEVER saw this gender thing coming. Not in 4 Billion years.