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[–]Kassia527 117 insightful - 2 fun117 insightful - 1 fun118 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I’m inclined to think that what’s happening with Reddit is just symptomatic of a growing insanity on the left and without opposition, it’s only going to get worse. Its like society has forgotten how to think critically about anything, and the fact that the people pushing for this level of censorship can’t see how dangerous this is just boggles the mind. These subs weren’t full of hate unless you see disagreement as a direct attack. The aim of all this—reddit, twitter, the recent attacks on facebook—honestly seems to be to just make any dissenting voice disappear.

I don’t mean to be hyperbolic, but never did I think I’d see a day when the left would be more dangerous to free speech and democracy than the right. I’m genuinely starting to wonder how long we have until they start rounding people up for actual re-education, 1984 style. Not so much over the trans issue—the idea is rather ridiculous, which is probably the point—but it honestly feels like the wedge that’s being used to push open the door.

We’re already at a point of censorship and thought policing—shutting down places of discussion, demonising those who hold differing opinions. The fact that the real world consequences for having an ‘incorrect’ thought are to have your life literally destroyed by an online mob, is insane. There is just no tolerance at all for any kind of thought that contradicts what the wokesters have deemed allowable. To them, any criticism of disagreement is an outright attack.

Honestly, how on earth did we end up in a situation where entire swathes of people can’t seem to deal with anything less than complete ideological agreement? What happened to being able to debate issues like adult? If your view point is so superior and correct, you wouldn’t need to thrust it down people’s throats and silence anyone who protests. If your argument had any legs at all, surely you’d be able to defend it robustly and perhaps even convince the other side that you’re right.

[–]Nonime 69 insightful - 2 fun69 insightful - 1 fun70 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

This is how the left will push people to the right, by being the cancel-police censorship side. It's literally the extreme end pushing people out. God damnit. This helps no one.

[–]Alma_Esmeraude 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The authoritarian left is already making life difficult for dissenting leftists and moderates. But left-right politics is cyclical and swings like a pendulum. Eventually the censorship and de-platforming tactics they've perfected will be adopted by the far-right in response to their overreach. This is not healthy for democracy, inquiry, or discourse.