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[–]Barber_Acrobatic 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Adoption proves that we don't need a blood relationship with someone to feel a parental relationship. However, it categorically does not remove the genetic relationship with the biological parents, even if you never see them ever.

I think what's ending up happening is that feelings are getting tangled up in the facts. The woman who raised her is her mother, but from a medical perspective, unless they had asbestos huffing parties together, then the medical establishment would be more interested in her actual biological history, rather than the fact that her adoptive mothers family has no history of heart disease.

She may want there to be no difference between an adoptive mother and a biological one, but that isn't the case. It doesn't mean she's loved any less or has a lesser relationship, it just means that biology doesn't give a shit.

Familial relationships aren't only biological but that doesn't mean you can disregard it entirely