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[–]Eurowoman24 35 insightful - 2 fun35 insightful - 1 fun36 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

earliest peak trans moment? A woke friend telling me I need to get over my unconscious bias and that it's transphobic for me to not be interested in trans men (women's bodies/vagina) as a straight woman. If I don't like TIFs then I should be into TiMs, because apparently it's unreasonable to not be attracted to men in dresses, makeup, who act feminine and who may or may not have boobs.

[–]sisterinsomnia 36 insightful - 1 fun36 insightful - 0 fun37 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The authoritarianism in the way sexual orientation has simply been turned into gender expression orientation is very shocking from lefties. Lesbians are told that it is transphobic to 'have genital preferences' and that at least they should try once. Not that different from what hetero men used to do to Lesbians in the past, and almost like forced conversion therapy.

When did feminism lose its thread this badly? I wrote "feminism,' because I have heard these arguments from feminists. We now have feminists essentially trying to pimp other women so that TIFs and TIMs can be made happier. That's the reason for those extremely convoluted attempts to explain away sexual orientation as somehow having nothing to do with the sex of the bodies. It doesn't work, of course. One part of the theory contradicts other parts of the theory and the whole thing is an illogical mess. But we should be nice, so they keep trying until suddenly the group they try to cajole into sexual activity is the one that has always been cajoled into sexual activity.

[–]Eurowoman24 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It is shocking! This was years ago when the trans thing started and I couldn't believe my ears. Of course miss "I'm so woke I'm now pansexual" has only had boyfriends and nothing else ;). I was especially shocked to hear about the pressure lesbians are facing regarding this! The brainwashing is so deep people have a hard time being convinced it's at least partly wrong (I'm talking bout PIV sex and non-feminine looking bodies here).