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[–]High_and_Lonesome 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Oh honey. I'm the same! I am also an autistic woman.

I experience intense gender dysphoria, but the trans stuff just doesn't sit right with me. I was still called a bigot very harshly. And made to feel absolutely awful about myself for who I am. I was gaslighted about it for years.

Its really awful that they pushed transition onto you. Those aren't friends you need, IMO. All of that sounds like neurotypical games that aren't worth playing.

listen: autism manifests differently in woman. a trait for women is "knowing that you are female, but also having the feeling that you are also a man, or feeling 50% man/ 50% woman". When I learned this it was like I discovered myself. (I didn't know I was autistic until, like, 6 months ago!) Simon Barron-Cohen has written papers about how this could be due to increased testosterone en utero.

I firmly believe that autistic people should NOT transition. We are not in "the wrong body", our brains are different. We shouldn't have to mutilate ourselves and live lies just to fit into a societal box. I feel like it is highly likely that most autistic people are just going along with being trans to finally fit in.

Autism is different for XX than it is for XY. Because we are fundamentally different. I wasn't diagnosed until i was 33 because they were looking for the male manifestation when I was young. The differences for females were as then unknown. The new PC culture wants to blur that line and rob me of my experience. The information that has alleviated so much of my pain has been criticized as transphobic and wrong, or misconstrued to also refer to those with XY bodies.

I see the word "transpie" (trans + aspie) and it makes me sick. I think, what a deluded person. You are just autistic! a 4000% increase in trans TEENS over the past few years just isn't ok. There is something else going on.

For me my dysphoria is that I am distinctly aware that I am XX. I think, if i were only XY I would have to natural assertion and aggression that would give me a better life. I am XX, so I am weak and soft and "gullible". because I am XX I feel like an object. Nothing can ever, ever change my chromosomes. Therefore, transition would be an exceedingly bad idea for me. And my experience is valid, goddamnit!

[–]blahblahgcer[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

<3 It is worrying about trans autistic people. Although in my experience, a ton of self diagnosers are also trans (aka all but one I know). And because the autism community accepts every self diagnoser and because of the high rates of trans people in autistics, all the autism spaces I'm in are turning into trans spaces. I used to feel so comfortable around other autistics in autistic spaces and now I don't :/