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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

you're literally going to be buying the same games

There will be releases for ps4 still but when the new consoles come out eventually the new games will only be for the new gen consoles.

There are a few PS exclusives I want the ps5 for like zero dawn 2, Uncharted, Left for Dead. I also use our ps4 as an alternative to cable rather than also own something like Roku.

You can probably count the number of Multiplayer games that DONT require the $50/yr online subscription

As an older gamer I don't generally play multiplayer anymore. My twitches just can't keep up with the youngsters. So I don't need the online subscription. It's also just $60 for a year, so hardly a big bill. Some PC games charge more than that for just one game's online access.

just buy a pc.

Consoles are a lot easier. You know your console will run the game, there's no maintenance, problem fixing, viruses, etc. When you have a console you know it'll play the console games without fuss.

It's cool you like Nintendo, but personally most of their games don't appeal to me. It's generally just a different style, and only certain titles are crossplatform.