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[–]emptiedriver 6 insightful - 6 fun6 insightful - 5 fun7 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

I think "transgender" is a modern phenomenon of presenting as the opposite sex that has become more popular thanks to increasingly impressive cosmetic surgery. Males who want to can pay a lot of money and get some very good treatments to achieve an image of what they want women to look like. This can be done by men who don't want to be homosexual, and by men who think they could do a better job of being women than women do. So, yeah, they exist.

I don't think it's healthy since I am not a big fan of cosmetic surgery and I think it'd be psychologically better for gay men to accept their bodies and natural desires, and for straight men to accept women as real people and not as objects as desire, but I can't deny people who want to do this are real. What I can deny about them is that they are the same as women. They're men who are presenting as women.

As surgeries improve, they are able to blend in more and at least in non-intimate settings people (some more than others) will often assume they are women. I don't know where that leaves us. Maybe it's always been this way, but it seems like more and more, everything is presentation - what pictures you show on FB is happy you are, what decor your living room has is what makes it homey, how the meal looks matters more than the traditional recipe - so if you look like you fit the concept "woman" that's all that really matters to most of those around you, and if you don't but you say you want to, it's just rude to get fussy. It's like saying the pictures on FB weren't that nice or you didn't like someone's living room design. No one is concerned over the underneath quality of how people really feel and whether their home is actually happy. That is just not your business, and now, someone's sex is not either. The food looks pretty, give it a like on Instagram and don't ask to come over for dinner and discuss the details.

I was always okay with being polite in public, as long as we all understood that you can't judge a book by its cover but now that people are insisting that the way things look = the way things truly are, I'm frustrated and want to get things clear. Sex change is not possible. Cosmetic surgery can get quite intricate though.