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[–]POOPCORN 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can't impress upon you enough how corrupt the police departments are.. one of my Ex-Wives her brother was a sheriff down in Louisiana and he came over to Texas for Christmas holiday and guess what I found in his personal possessions because I looked through it when he wasn't home I found a gram of cocaine and I took it in the bathroom and made a line and huffed all of it and then I opened up his bottle of Bacardi and made myself a drink and I went for a walk around the neighborhood high as f***.

When I was married to my first wife in New Orleans Louisiana her mother worked at a major hotel in the French quarter and in the security department was an off-duty police officer working there and whenever we would get traffic tickets all we had to do was to turn those tickets over to him and he would have them squashed. So basically friends and family of the police in New Orleans do not pay traffic tickets but other people do pay.

I also can't impress upon you enough about what the agenda of true Islam is. They will tell you that there is moderate Islam and there is extreme Islam but that isn't even remotely related to what the truth is. I was told by two very conservative looking Muslim men that were both medical doctors they told me that when Islam controls an area which means they control the city that when Islam controls an area that no muslim will ever be charged or convicted or jailed for killing a non-muslim.

While I was praying with Muslims on four occasions they came up to me at the cafe next to the mosque and told me that they had come to the conclusion that I was a double agent for the FBI. Yup. I would look at them and say that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard and they they were surprised that I responded that way and they would ask me why do I think it's ridiculous to suggest that I'm a double agent for the FBI and I would tell them straight I would save it no spy agency on the planet is going to send a dorky looking white guy like me to infiltrate a group of pakistanis and Arabs no way when a spy agency wants to send a mole in to infiltrate a group they're going to send someone that is just like that group someone that is going to just fit right in doesn't that make more sense?

When I stopped praying with Muslims I got a phone call from a man who told me that if I stopped going to prayer and I know I should be in prayer then I should be executed and he then he hung up on me, but at the cafe right next to the mosque the guy that runs the kitchen he never goes to prayer but they don't execute him there's always half a dozen pakistanis at the cafe playing billiards in their high on weed and half drunk but nobody executes them so do you know why they told me that I should be executed because they wanted me to shut the f****** they didn't want me telling their secrets which I do know some of their secrets I know some of their weak spots.

There is already Sharia courts established around the world and they're killing people and an alarming rate there are murders that take place in the streets if you offend Islam they will come up eventually and slash your throat how could that be a message from God to go around slashing people's throats that disagree with you?

That's my story and I'm sticking to it