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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Almost every non-standard race PC is cringe, and has been since 1980. People who can play an inhuman creature without turning it into a gay projection of their own emotional baggage and lack of worth are a small group. Usually, if someone wants to play a fucking centaur in a fucking war game it's because he wants to be the Main Character and short-circuit the need for player skill with OP abilities. Or he has a collection of My Little Pony porn.

I used to think straight-up powergaming was annoying, but I'd rather play with 10 power gamers than any of these weeb furry weirdos. This is a fucking war game, not your therapy session. Shut the fuck up and stab the goblin.

The Hasboro property which uses the force of illegitimate IP laws to enforce its monopoly on the trademark Dungeons & Dragons has never been interested in actual Dungeons & Dragons, ie an expansion for a tabletop wargame. They've always been about giving players everything they want by selling them more books, and as a DM you just have to tell people 'no' constantly and they get butthurt because THIS IS AN OFFICIAL PRODUCT. Their whole design philosophy is 'DMs should indulge Snowflakes who want to be shitty superheroes and always buy more shit from us', ignoring the fact that this is directly contrary to the GOD DAMN GAME that's supposed to be there. No, not an 'acting troupe meet up', not 'a night at the improv', it's a FUCKING GAME and your shitty characters and wankish backstory are directly impinging on the ability to play the goddamn game I wanted to play.

Anyone who thinks they get to decide what goes on in my game because they paid to much for some shitty artbook with broken stats is fired.

If someone brought this character to my table I'd block them in my cellphone.

I seriously hate entitled players. No, you don't get to do 'whatever you want'. You get to play a setting appropriate character, and read the fucking rule book, or you can go play with yourself. As the only person who's literate and creative enough to be the DM you should have a lot of say over what's acceptable, but I guess most people are pussies who are afraid of offending their 'friends'. Anyone that's a fucking shitlib furry is not my friend already, though.

I have pretty much never had these problems at my games, though, because I don't talk to normies or try to get randos to play my game. If you're not capable of carrying on a conversation about dark fantasy and Romance tales from the middle ages, you probably don't want to be in my game, anyway. I am not desperate enough to play D&D to instead play a shitty imitation of D&D with people I don't like.