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[–]WickedWitchOfTheWest 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Spain to teach children 6 and under that gender is a ‘construct’ rather than biological

Despite objections to a number of key terms in an earlier version of the curriculum proposed by socialist Isabel Celaá, the country’s former education minister, the Spanish government has retained controversial phrases which reference the “construction of gender” and the “discovery of sexuality,” indicating that should autonomous communities implement the government’s suggested curriculum, children aged six and lower could be taught that gender is not binary, and be encouraged to explore their preferred gender and sexuality.

Under Celaá’s previous proposals, teachers would have been expected to actively “encourage the personal discovery of sexuality and the construction of gender through values ​​of equality and non-stereotyped models.”


The right-wing populist party, Vox, has also slammed the plans, with the party’s leader in Madrid claiming children are now “defenseless against the gender laws of [Prime Minister] Sánchez.”

The Alianza Contra el Borrado de las Mujeres, a platform that represents a plethora of feminist organizations fighting against the erasure of women also berated the proposals, with association member spokeswoman Tasia Aránguez insisting it is “very dangerous for schools to feed the idea that children can be born in a body wrong.

“It’s a false idea,” added Aránguez, a professor in the Department of Philosophy of Law at the University of Granada. “Dysphoria cannot and should not be romanticized. The human species has two sexes: females and males. The idea is spreading among minors that biological sex does not exist and that is unscientific.”