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[–]WickedWitchOfTheWest 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

[Abigail Shrier] Child Custody’s Gender Gauntlet: Transgender ideology has already achieved a powerful hold on our court system—and parents and children are paying the price.

In October 2021, Ted was stunned by a $209,820.34 charge on his insurance statement. When he wrote to Christine, she confirmed that a puberty-blocking implant had been inserted in Drew’s arm months earlier and that Drew had begun a course of cross-sex hormones. The combination—if not soon stopped—would likely sterilize Drew. No one had asked Ted’s permission for the procedure or even informed Ted of what had been done.

Ted responded to this news with a flurry of e-mails to Christine’s attorney. He told Christine’s lawyer that the medical procedure was in violation of a court order, and Christine was risking being held in contempt of court. A day later, Christine’s lawyer filed a request for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order against Ted, alleging that he had spoken to his ex-wife “menacingly” at their younger son’s football games. Ted was served with the temporary restraining order; California law now required him to relinquish all his firearms within 24 hours or potentially face felony charges. He quickly complied.

“It’s like being a Rodeo clown or being a professional wrestler,” Ted said to me recently, over the phone. “It’s like, ‘OK, now let’s watch Ted get body-slammed. Now watch Joni Hiramoto put him in a headlock.’ Now, for my next trick!”

Overwrought and perhaps a touch reckless, Ted joined the Apple Slack channel devoted to “trans kid parenting” and shared his outrage and concern about his son’s medical transition and the risks involved. The other members chastised him and reported Ted to “Employee Relations,” known everywhere else as “HR.” Ted now worries for his job.

As for Judge Hiramoto’s potential conflicts of interest, a check of social media reveals the following: On October 1, 2019, on a post of her biologically male child dressed in earrings and makeup, Judge Hiramoto comments: “Proud to be your mom.” In May 2020, one month before Ted and Christine Hudacko appeared in court, Judge Hiramoto’s son celebrated on Instagram his one-year anniversary coming out as a transgender female. On July 3, 2020—after Judge Hiramoto had entered her first provisional order granting Christine full custody, her transfeminine son posted on Instagram: “This is my first time wearing a bikini.” Judge Hiramoto commented: “Beautiful!!”