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[–]beece 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

@JasonCarswell To answer your questions: 1st) I'm located in the Pacific Northwest, USA. 2nd) I haven't discussed this with the kid if Covid and Influenza A are the same. To me, they clearly are clearly counting the flu strain deaths as Covid deaths.

Here is something I didn't know. Last time the pup was here he told me that the flu shot you could have gotten last year was to address 4 different flus. One of which (this is the interesting part) was the flu of 1918 that was the worst worldwide pandemic ever. Turns out that H1N1 strain of flu is what they call that these days, it never went away - we just adjusted to it. The flu shot addressed that and 3 other flu's. I looked it up and he was correct per the CDC

I will likely get the Covid shot as my boy recommends it and he got his first one back in December. I have never received a flu shot in my life (unless they snuck one in when I went in the military and they gave me a crap load of shots all at once before I deployed overseas). Whereas my mother had received EVERY seasonal flu shot EVERY year stretching back to the 60's, 50-60 years. Then about 3 years back she stopped getting them as it was too much trouble to get into the doctors office. It didn't seem to bother her health in any regards - her mental facilities were top notch and sharp right up to the time she passed.

Remember that when speaking "truth to power", it is the willow that survives the typhoon. The mighty Oak snaps from the force, but the willow gently bends and survives. The Germans tried to be Oaks, and they were utterly destroyed and reviled to this day for the effort. Meme's are being a willow and yours are fucking excellent! Not a skill that I have, you clearly do. Take care of yourself Fren.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I can't say if flu shots were ever effective. There have been a lot of questions raised regarding this in the last year. Before that folks were pointing countless problems with the so-called solutions of the past, from polio and beyond. Many of these solutions could easily also simply be attributed to better nutrient and/or hygiene developments.

If you must get the shot, my advice: research the contents, the bad cases, the source, the chain of custody, etc.

I agree, we need to be flexible on most things.

I'd disagree regarding the Germans. Regardless of their philosophies, behavior, or leadership, they were the underdogs targeted for being critical to controlling Europe, and thus Eurasia to dominate the entire world. The irony is that the Germans, as center of Europe, despite propaganda claiming otherwise, could never conquer the world already dominated by the Anglosphere. I'd say most of common German history is bullshit and political theater to obscure the levers of power, their motives, their actions, and their plans.

I aim to evolve my meme-making into something more memeingful. Stay 'tooned for AnimMemes.