all 4 comments

[–]storyendingnever 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I think a lot of women who do use the f-word and the s-word (and I mean feminist and sisterhood) only whip them out when it serves their selfish wants or 'needs', and then put them back in the box when said needs have been met. Usually, they are calling upon lesbians, the child-free, asexuals, the family-less - basically all the most vulnerable and invisible and hated women out there. These women are considered sisters when mostly straight and breeding women want something that men refuse to give them or are suffering from something men gave them that they don't want. These 'sisters' are seen to have endless free time because they don't have families or children (and are called selfish, when they are not being called 'sister'), and they are called upon to do things that generally don't apply to them at all. These are mostly hetero-oriented help/services like providing free childcare; providing a safe place to stay after husband/boyfriend beats or rapes them; fighting for and putting money and labour into abortions and birth control and d.v. shelters so that straight chicks can keep the fuck machine going; and more shit like this. Things that mostly aren't relevant to a man-free/child-free woman's life. There is no thanks from these straight and breeder women, and they almost never return the favour, citing being too busy due to family or child responsibilities (strangely, there is always plenty of time to be on Facebook and cellphone games, etc...). Lesbians never get support for their issues from straight 'feminists'/'sisters' - no financial support, no labour support, no care-taking when vulnerable women fall ill, not even social justice support. And by issues, I mean ensuring man-free spaces are protected, standing up for lone women being harassed in public, fighting against the trans take-over, making sure health services are available and old age considerations for the child-free are in place, etc.

On paper, sisterhood sounds great, but I am not sure that it can work when the sisters in question are fucking men, breeding sons (and just breeding in general), and just overall supporting a world where men always come first in all possible ways.

[–]Xxxpoxxx 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah i agree, i think about it everyday and get angry. Most women are pickmes for some reason and the lack of solidarity it's disgusting... This is why o think women are a problem too. I could say more about women being pickmes but i'm to lazy rn

But i also think that women loving men, serving men, objectifying themselves and sexualizing everything to pander to dick(pickmes fucking sexualize everything even the most innocent things and thats why i hate them ... Christ i saw so many vile pickme behaviors) and choosing men over women is a problem. A lot of women literally perpatuate the patriarchy, degradation and sexualization of women = they harm other women and opress women. It's a betrayal (lol)

Also perpatuating this self objectification when women make themsleves into a sex object and women are supposed to be a sexy, beautiful object that is desired and is supposed to get pleasure out of giving pleasure and being sexy and serving their partner.

They condition themselves to be sex objects that give pleasure and be ok with this role. But it's NOT OK jesus christ

Women should stick together more

[–]LaQueSabe_ 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The motherhood part infuriates me. Why women can only stand with each other when it's about breeding and mom shit? Why can't you help your own kind to birth PROJECTS instead? Create a community together? Start new ideas?

No. It's all about helping each other solely with the hardships of popping babies to a moid.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Think this society is purposely making women stupid and isolates us from eachother