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[–]Canbot 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

CONSERVATIVES: Christian and all about "Jesus,"

This is a left wing understanding of conservatives. In reality being conservative has nothing to do with religion.

hates Jews and fags and laughs at the thought of people "burning in Hell for all eternity.

Completely untrue in every respect. Recognizing the evils that jews do is not "hating jews". That is a dismissive slander that implies that calling out jews is irrational, emotional, and unfair. It is also completely divorced from political leanings as a lot of conservatives are just as brainwashed on the jewish topic as liberals, and many liberals recognize jewish crimes like the genocide of palestinians.

And again religion has nothing to do with conservatism so burning in hell is not something conservatives even believe in, nor do they wish ill will on people for being gay or jewish.

"Pro-life" but not a vegan,

Human life. obviously. This argument is so dumb that I know you were fully aware of how illogical it is and still wrote it thinking you did something. Clearly you are biased and care more about insults than about intelligent conversation. Do better.

hates welfare,

wrong again. Welfare in moderation is fine. The problem with it is that there is too much already and still the left demands more and says that there is none because all the poverty of 100 years ago not only exists but is worse. If that is the case then welfare does not work and we should get rid of it. Obviously doing more of something that does not work is fucking stupid.

uses condoms

Conservatives are far less likely to use condoms than liberals because they value marriage and family over sex with strangers.

owns guns

At least you got one thing right.

Believes in "The Constitution and Liberty" but doesn't respect The Separation of Church and State

Again, your conflation of religion and conservatism is wrong. Furthermore, no one is advocating for laws respecting religious doctrine.

wants government overreach to force unwanted parenthood on people clearly too incompetent and reckless to be capable parents

wrong again. The pro life argument is about saving the lives of innocent babies. There is absolutely nothing about that which insists that the parents have to raise the child. They should be held financially liable.

six week old embryos are the same exact lifeform as a two year old child" religious bullshit.

No one ever said it is "the exact same thing". It is however a living human being. Not a religious belief. It is literally a biological fact.

[–]Mcheetah[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Part 1

I honestly not even sure I should bother responding to you of all people, since you're the "niggers are subhuman trash" type I see on here all the time. I said before the only reason I don't block you is because I literally can't on here. Considering I already know where you stand and how you feel about me, I shouldn't even bother with this response. But I'll do it anyway, pretending you'll respond in good faith, though I doubt it.

This is a left wing understanding of conservatives. In reality being conservative has nothing to do with religion. ...Religion has nothing to do with conservatism.

I didn't make the rules of conservatism, nor am I on either side. I doubt if you asked other (Western) conservatives, they'd tell you it's okay to be a conservative and atheist. So it's not exactly me making the rules, here. I get what you're trying to say here, but no. That's not part of their rulebook anymore than being a Christian who doesn't believe in God still qualifies as a "Christian." I'm talking about Western First-world conservatives here, not the broad concept of wanting a family and a clean lifestyle.

Recognizing the evils that jews do is not "hating jews". That is a dismissive slander that implies that calling out jews is irrational, emotional, and unfair.

If you say so... "I don't hate the subhuman scum; I'm just trying to 'save them' from burning in Hell." Again, this coming from the same dude who has said so much fucked-up shit about African Americans on this site... Not even trying to bring up other shit, but like come the fuck on... Am I supposed to act like you never said that before? I already know how you think; I can't just ignore it in a vacuum. But getting back to your main retarded point of "not hating the trash; just hating their evil actions and behavior..." to excuse your bigotry. No; that shit doesn't fly. I don't even care about how you feel about Jews or anything else out of your old Boomer mouth; just calling you out on your shit. Nothing to even argue here; it's an illogical point you made. I guess all we can do is agree to disagree, here.

It is also completely divorced from political leanings as a lot of conservatives are just as brainwashed on the Jewish topic as liberals, and many liberals recognize Jewish crimes like the genocide of Palestinians.

Whataboutisms, okay. I don't even know how you can say it's "divorced from political leanings" and literally bring up Palestine in the same sentence. I honestly couldn't care less about the Hamas shit, but if it was a black-and-white issue, everyone else in the world wouldn't be taking a side in defending the Lawful Evil versus the Chaotic Evil, but sure.

Human life. obviously.

It's stull fucking illogical, retarded, and hypocritical as shit. But 'K. As if humans are so fucking special. I'm not even a vegan, mind you. But if you're gonna be "pro-life," then actually fucking mean what you say and don't shoot a mailman for stepping onto your lawn cause "My Castle Doctrine" and shit. Don't own a gun or kill animals. If God is the ultimate answer, then you shouldn't be hurting the life He made, as well. It's not like you CAN'T live life as a vegan; you just don't want to. I'm not a vegan, but I'm also not saying shit about how "precious" life is, either. If soylent green was a thing in real life, I'd probably eat it. I'm not a hypocrite like you.

And just to be clear here, I'm only talking about banning abortion as a law, not one's personal beliefs on it. I don't care if someone is personally against abortion, but to tell other people they can't opt out of parenthood, as if it's any of your fucking business, is what has me pissed off. Like, no one fucking cares what you think about abortion if it means they're gonna be forced by law to either raise a child they don't want and can't afford, or actually kill an actual baby, post-birth. The laws and extreme overreach of government power, is the issue here, not someone's opinion on being pro-life or pro-choice.

I'm far from anti-gun or anti-second-amendment or a vegan, but I'm not also moral-fagging about being someone who "respects life and God's word and sees it as sacred." Fuck off with that hypocritical bullshit. Nothing annoys me more than hypocrites, which is why I especially hate the retarded pro-life argument and why I brought it up. Most human beings on the planet can justify murder in a thousand different ways; don't act like any conservative - or anyone else - gives a fuck about "human life" while also advocating for the genocide of black Americans, or Palestinians, or Jews, or straight white males, or whatever fucking group or demographic you'll hate tomorrow. Tribalism is what most humans ascribe too; kinda the point of my post. But the certain conservatives wanna moral-fag about hating abortion, while also comparing single mothers to trash and implying welfare is theft of hard working people.

Clearly you are biased and care more about insults than about intelligent conversation.

Projection and bullshit, but okay. Don't bother playing if you have nothing to say. Especially since you're a literal white nationalist (and not in the woke Liberal sense, either.) Trying to argue "bias" and "insults over intelligent conversation" when I've seen the dumb shit you've said in the past. Now THIS is me being biased. A Conservative race-realism retard thinking he has any level of moral intelligence, let alone actual intelligence? Blow me, faggot. That's the most insulting thing you could possibly ever say to anyone on here. My shit adds more value to society than anything you've done in your entire existence, and I'm not even a Liberal saying that to you. How's that for insults over intelligent conversation? Not that your inbred redneck ass is capable of either one. If you were to ever do anything valuable for the human species, you'd pull a reverse It's A Wonderful Life and jump off a bridge. And no one would even care about you if you weren't such a disingenuous, phony, low IQ, moral-fagging, hypocritical, dumb sack of shit, fake-conservative, fake-Christian, Dunning-Kruger, pseudo-intellectual that proves the point of my entire post better than I ever could have. "Intelligent conversation" from you? Fuck off.

Is that better? Did I "step my game up?"

Welfare in moderation is fine. ...Welfare does not work and we should get rid of it.

That may be your stance, but most conservatives I've ever met or read online outright hates the welfare state and wants it abolished. And there are pros and cons to the issue, but you can't argue for pro-life and then abolish welfare. Like, who the fuck do you think is going to take care of all these babies you forced into existence from parents that don't want them and won't raise them or take care of them? Children don't live off of pure oxygen and money doesn't grow on trees. How do so many conservatives not see the hypocrisy in that? It's impossible to logically be pro-life, but anti-welfare and you can't force these reckless, unfit, terrible mothers or parents who don't even want to be parents, to become good parents or raise their children. Either the state will, or the children will just die. Pick one, but you don't get both just because you wish life was that peachy. Yeah it'd be nice if stupid people didn't fuck let alone get knocked up while doing it, but that also means 95% of the human race right now probably wouldn't exist, either.

Obviously doing more of something that does not work is fucking stupid.

And yet you advocate for federally-enforced pro-life mandates in a society that can't even get half-decent parents even when it's planned, but also want limited/no welfare at the same time, meaning these unwanted babies you want to bring into the world will just flat-out die then, and can't see how fucking retarded that is, or the same sentiments shared by other conservatives. So, you're "fucking stupid" then.

Exactly how many parents out here in 2024 Western society do you think are actually "good parents?" Like 45-50% at the most? Probably more like 20-25%, realistically? The current real-life world is overpopulated, there's limited resources, even less resources now since the dipshit Democrats want to give all tax dollars to illegal immigrants, and crime is skyrocketing, and yet you want to add more fuel to the fire and create more shitty parents, have them create more children that'll end up as criminals and mentally ill, take up even more resources, and worse of all, do jack-fucking-shit to actually ensure those all those unwanted children you forced into existence will actually survive to adulthood? Got it. More of something that does not work is stupid; I agree.

[–]Rah 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)
