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[–]BreatharianBob[S] 2 insightful - 4 fun2 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

The power of GOD is in the air you breathe. If you don't believe in GODs air, you don't believe in GOD himself! I have been inhaling GODs air all my life, I am now one of GODs purest children. If by referring to the preacher Jim Jones you think that I am religious, you are wrong. I am not religious, I am an atheist. I am of GODs chosen people and have become GOD himself. Your GOD is your food and drink, it is a false GOD, it lures you in with its evil. You are EVIL without casting away food and living only on air.

People waste the power of sexual energy in pursuit of ephemeral pleasures of eating and drinking, instead digesting it and storing the poisons. Removing food from the diet and living on only air is probably the ultimate in terms of deferred gratification, which is the great difference between humans and animals: the capacity for deferring gratification for a later time, such as actually using the power to promote pure sexual energy. It makes you feel more alive by only breathing GODs air!