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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian Diasporic Mercantilism (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 month ago by mbathrowaway_2024

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 12 hours ago I think it is absolutely valid to discuss whether or not we in the diaspora should have a preference for imports from Asia. Suppose we go to the supermarket to buy canned sardines. There are cans from Scandinavia, Spain, Morocco, and Japan. There is no diaspora owned sardine can manufacturer as far as I know. How does it serve the purposes of Asian identity to insist on between neutral among the four choices? And except when we specifically need the services or goods of a local business like a car repair shop or restaurant, we typically will not have any choice to buy from diaspora. Furthermore, should the same indifference to foreign Asians apply, by the way, when an Asian-American graduate student is making a choice after being asked out by an Asian student from Asia and a white student? And then when does a foreign Asian become part of the diaspora anyway? The CEO of TikTok is frequently discussed on this subreddit. He studied in America and he gets dragged up to Congress for ritual humiliation. He married an Asian-American. Is he one of us? We used to discuss the CFO of Huawei here as well, back when Canada detained her. She owns houses in Canada and in fact stayed in her properties during her house arrest. Does she count? Anyway, it seems to me to be quite unfair if OP was banned and punished for the post when a moderator see enough worth in it to actually approve it. If the original decision to approve is wrong, then deleting the post and giving a warning ought to be enough. And if someone had to be temporarily banned, it should be the moderator who approved it. But I really don’t see anything ban worthy in the original post.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 11 hours ago Well, one, moderators can't ban other moderators without demodding them, and two, what would be the point? To prevent them from modding for a period of time and create more work for the others? Some mods are more willing to dole out punishment for grey-area content from new users. It's not a goal to alienate intelligent posters, but also, sometimes unavoidable.

Driving away "mUh EfFoRt PosTErs" is now "UnAvoiDABlE". Exactly why listening to the aiNCELs worthless mods is a fucking waste of time. Every thing they touch turns to fucking shit proven time and time again.