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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

John Ong now sentenced to 2 1/2 years prison (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago * by Snooopineapple

[–]Aureolater [score hidden] 12 hours ago Some lessons from the Ong case: 1) There are also a lot of Jews in NYC who are small-time landlords who also face this kind of hate. I can't think of any instances where they met violence with violence. Keep your wits about you. The prosecutor was able to pursue John Ong because they could argue there was a break in the fight. 2) If you do choose violence, know that this country does not look kindly on bladed weapons. There is a saying "The loser of a knife fight dies in the streets, the winner dies in the hospital," meaning even if you win the fight, your life is over. Pepper spray, a blunt weapon like a bat, even a gun is better. Look up Jared Ha. Another knife fight involving an Asian guy. 3) For all the crying here, I don't think anything will change. Look at the pic in OP's post. It's all old people. No one cared when it mattered. Some people saying they'll vote the DA out. Again, where you were you when Bragg was first running? No one cared. Many of y'all can't even support Asian women when they're being abused by non-Asian men. "I don't care, they're all race traitors, they're on their own" you'll say. That's your choice, but let's not have any illusions. You'll get mad at something like this, but when the time comes again, you'll make up a reason in your own mind to do nothing. Just be realistic with yourselves.

[–]ElimDegens [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Many of y'all can't even support Asian women when they're being abused by non-Asian men. "I don't care, they're all race traitors, they're on their own" you'll say.

Are you butthurt about something? This came out of nowhere. This is completely orthogonal to the subject, we're talking about defending ourselves and our "community." But I might agree, a lot of AM in a relationship with an AF can't take care of things when they get pressed in public, and sometimes if it's some XM twerp trying to flip the AF will even entertain him. It's the fault of both.

[–]CommitteeNo1010 [score hidden] 23 hours ago boba liberals arent just women and they all deserve to be criticized

[–]BringBackRoundhouse [score hidden] 3 hours ago I get it, I get annoyed too. I’m really referring to the WMAF thing there’s an entire sub for that. My point is, this is an Asian interest sub and this post is a really serious issue. It would be great to see the Asian community mobilize around this instead of pointing fingers at each other as if that’s the priority. At least that’s what I was hoping for out of this sub. Plenty of other subs for partisan and hateful rhetoric (especially to Asian women wtf). Maybe it’s cultural? Be hypercritical first and then right above everyone. I admit I react, but I won’t take it there first. That’s why we lack the solidarity other groups have. You don’t see BLM blaming Black Republicans first thing as if they’re the biggest problem. Let’s prioritize here at least and then go back to fighting each other.

[–]pinkrosies [score hidden] 14 hours ago Aren’t just women? What does that mean? What’s an AF with a WM or another race got to do with this? Always wanting to hate on Asian women for dating.

"GoTTa SAVe MUH xmaf LADEeEEEee U AM FUKk". Every single one of the aiNCEL mods aside from the poocel and KKKUNT LU are cancer cell simp FUCKING F&GG0TS. A poocel-created controlled opposition sub was never going to have mods that are actually pro-Asian.