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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I Don't Get the Hype Over Yt Girls (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by SuperStonkPlay

[–]toskaqe[M] [score hidden] 1 day ago* - stickied comment This thread (especially the comments) is low quality and is generating reports left and right. I won't take this post down or lock the comments since it's already played out, but want to remind people to not engage with bait.

[–]StatisticianAnnual13 [score hidden] 6 hours ago This was posted here a long time ago. There is no equivalence between Amwf and Wmaf. This isn't some kind of gender equality debate. The fact is Wmaf has the affect of emasculation of Am, while AMWF does not devalue AF. In the earliest colonial days, dominance over the women of another people exerts your dominance over them. So if WM date AF in such large numbers, the fact that Am can't do the same with WF emasculates and humiliates us. This is just racial, post-colonial dynamic that most people understand. WF are placed on pedestal due to a) white media b) wf generally being wealthier and unlikely to be attracted to money, status and migration opportunity c) non-white races struggle to date them equally...Therefore to date WF redresses this balance and inequality. It's really that simple.

[–]flippy_disk 24 points 1 day ago Correct title should be: "I Don't Get the Hype Over Yt Boys" and ask Asian girls why they obsess over White guys, even over their own men. Because, the problem is more pronounced for Asian women than it is for us. Asian men and White women are hardly a thing, yet we always have clueless guys like you white knighting for Asian women when they would happily choose a mid, fat, balding White bum over you lol. A "pig" as you call it. But on a serious note, the only reason we need to see more AMWF, and AMXF in general, is because of all the weak link Asian women out there. Seeing Asian girls with Asian guys is not enough. It does not make WMAF more palatable. That's just the status quo. Asian men are still the bitches in this situation because we are letting non-Asian men have their way with our race of women, while we are not engaging with their women. It's a zero-sum game. You are right that East/Southeast Asian women are on average prettier and healthier than White women. I feel the same way. It's only natural to be attracted to your own after all, but that's not the case for East/Southeast Asian girls. Half of them have consistently shown that they don't find us attractive with the choices they make of their own volition. While, the other half are crickets and don't uplift us, even if they are with an Asian man.

[–]SilverDove28 5 points 1 day ago I’m an Asian girl who lives in a place with mostly Asian and white people so I don’t think you’ll find my view trustworthy. Which is fine, I guess. i just wanna add my point (For what it’s worth, I’m Chinese and so is my boyfriend and I’ve never dated a white guy) There are definitely some Asian girls who only like white guys. Maybe some of it is for the reason you stated — white worship. But other times it’s because they have a preference like what what y’all have for Asian girls But most Asian girls I know would date any race as long as they’re a good guy. Most girls I know have dated both Asian and white guys. Some of them (me included) stick to dating Asian guys only bc we are attracted to our own. (Tbh I find Asian guys the most attractive) My point is, Asian girls aren’t a monolith. Most of us date people because of preference or personality, not because they’re white. To make a generalization is kind of presumptuous and weird.

[–]flippy_disk [score hidden] 23 hours ago I don't despise Asian women as harsh as my rebuke may seem. I am just pointing out facts. You even restate some of the points I made. The key one being that Asian girls are more open to non-Asian men than Asian men are to non-Asian women, regardless of personality. Because, there are plenty of Asian women with horrible White men. I'm sure you've seen examples of that, even if they are not in your immediate circles. That is the essence of what I take issue with. The huge disparity between the genders when it comes to interracial relationships. You said it yourself. Most of the girls you know have dated both Asian and White. Meanwhile, how many Asian men do you know who have dated out? I bet you it's not even a fraction compared to those girls. It isn't just Asian women's fault that things are the way they are. It's also on Asian men for keeping the status quo by not dating/fucking/marrying out as much ourselves and for remaining blindly loyal to Asian women who aren't as loyal back. It's on guys like OP, even though I don't disagree with what he has to say. That's on us, but the demise of Asian America is on you since Asian women are the ones who date and marry out a lot more. Asian women aren't a monolith, but these patterns are obvious for everyone to see.

[–]SilverDove28 [score hidden] 16 hours ago Actually, for what it’s worth, most of the Asian men I know have dated both Asian and white girls. I still find your response kind of disingenuous because you continue to make generalizations about a huge group of people. I don’t know what OP did wrong (well I do but not in the way you say). When did he say he’s staying with an Asian woman who isn’t loyal to him? The main thing is, Asian women don’t owe Asian men relationships. I think you should stop worrying about who other people date in general.

[–]hahew56766 16 points 1 day ago Here's what I don't understand. You said yourself that you've been with the same girl, since high school. That's a rarity, and good for you. Not to mention, you said that you hang out with mostly other Asians, which is cool. However, I don't think that gives you credibility for experience with white women. No, don't hype up white girls just like don't hype up Asian girls. Treat girls by individuals. But to say Asian guys shouldn't date white girls is just your narrow opinion without support.

[–]SuperStonkPlay[S] -8 points 1 day ago First of all, I said if you find one attractive by all means go for it. However, all I'm saying is I just don't understand the hype over them. It seems like Asian guys are willing to bend over for one and honestly, that's just sad and unattractive.

Of course tosWORTHLESSCOCKLESSF&GG0T "wOn'T ReMovE" this shitpost if it means bringing in more Lus he can fap to.