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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why Asian men are better than white guys in relationshipsOC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 14 hours ago by unsettledgradient

[–]TestingBlocc 33 points 10 hours ago I literally tell my girl I love her everyday. This is not a race thing but rather an individual thing. A common aspect of Asian women (and in a broader aspect, all women) is that they love to make blanket statements about men based off the men they chose to date.

[–]el-art-seam 12 points 8 hours ago Dates 3 white guys and breaks up with them recently. Dates one XM that didn’t work out in high school. Now she’ll say: Avoid XM. You don’t want to date them- they all are x- how do I know? I dated ONE. I know. What? Avoid WM? Why are you generalizing? No that’s just Cody, Josh, and Billy being assholes.

[–]Immediate_Ad1835[🍰] -1 points 5 hours ago And men don’t do the same? All human beings do this no matter to some extent what gender or race, it’s part of who we are. People also have preferences, to each their own

[–]Hunting-4-Answers 5 points 3 hours ago No, men do not do the same. An AM who dates WF, LF and BFs is usually still open to AFs, even if that AF cheats on him with her white coworker.

[–]Immediate_Ad1835[🍰] -4 points 3 hours ago From the vast majority of comments I’ve seen in this sub, most AM call out AF, calling them Lus and other names. May not be the case outside this sub for AMAF but holy crap the amount of AM hate towards AF in here is insane

Almost always the reason why these kind of subs turn to shit. "mUH HoLY LAdEEee REEEEEEEeeeeeeeEEEeEEEEEEEeeeEe". Then comes the post restrictions and influx of cucked pmaf porno collecting f&gs like the one above.