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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

[Thoughts] I feel like our feelings are constantly being invalidated. (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by countryboyiloveyouu

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 21 hours ago Blacck people have taken great risks and put into vast amounts of energy to shut down any and nearly all forms of invalidation. Sometimes they even talk rightful physical action. Do Asians do that? NOPE. Also, non Asian POC have a culture of rebellion and of listening to themsleves whereby Asians have a culture of adhering to and being obedient to the mainstream, this many Asians allow themselves to be brainwashed bc they were taught form a young age to be obedient and not think for ourselves. Meanwhile us asians are pathetic enough to still sit there are ponder ...wait...was that REALLY racist? And ONLY AFTER PROOF do we then the moment is over. It's better to over react in the moment and get a few wrong shots than under react. Asian brains value precision, non asians value swiftness and power. By the time asians react if at all its too late. And hence the post above. LOL. Just saying.

[–]Ok_Slide5330 [score hidden] 19 hours ago It's always puzzled me. Historically Asians have always been rebels. Look at all the rebellions, protests, wars and deaths in Asian history. Even Koreans today have mass protests about everything. Asians in the West have been neutered.

[–]Exciting-Giraffe [score hidden] 17 hours ago this. Literally each dynasty in China was overthrown by rebels, and more recently the Shanghai lockdowns created huge riots too. Not to mention all the rich violent history of Japan, Korea, Khmer, Ayutthaya and the Dai Viet empires. bloodthirsty doesn't event cut it. I think it's the brutal history of asian american internment , and fear of armed police (and rightfully so).

[–]InstructionNarrow160 [score hidden] 9 hours ago Yes U.S. Asians can be aggressive like this but in America we are usually outnumbered so we aren’t in position to act out since we can’t get away with our bad behavior.

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 15 hours ago Disagree China's rebellions pale in comparison to non asian rebellions. After each rebellion, who won and who died and didn't reproduce? China is known for suppressing rebellions to the point where the non rebellious had more reproductive success.

[–]ElimDegens [score hidden] 9 hours ago you can just say you don't like Chinese people already. very yt of you to say, talking down on asians and complimenting non asians

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 5 hours ago The privilege of the diaspora is to pick and choose what they like and dislike from both the old world and new world. Advocating for a cultural revolution among diaspora is modern chinese in spirit.

[–]InstructionNarrow160 [score hidden] 10 hours ago So in a way that caused most of the problems we face nowadays, in hindsight that wasn’t a good idea letting the less aggressive people have more success than more agressive people.

Absolutely nothing of fucking value from the worthless 24/7/365 ch1mping Bitch LU KKKUNT, yet "shE" is on the aiNCELs' mod team. Fucking proven ANTI-ASIAN LU KKKUNT is a mod of a self-proclaimed "Pro-AsIAN" sub. An absolute fucking joke. Currycel non-Asian head mod who is a proven shill for (((western politicians))). Endless infestation of these waste of air simp f&gs like tosWORTHLESSRETARDFGGITKUCK. Fapping simp roach f&gg0ts have always been the plague of these "AsiaN" subs and always will be.