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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

New Smiths movie (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by MaruKata youtu be AsaMWxppznk Both of them look too nice to kick asssss

[–]Th3G0ldStandard [score hidden] an hour ago Donald Glover has a long documented history of being a weirdo with an Asian fetish. Through his music and through his social media. He has also shit on Asian men in the past. It’s fucking funny that this weeb nerd is trying to act like this in this more serious action role when his whole reputation was the goofy backpack dweeb for years. I think he’s also said some disparaging or colorist things about black women in the past and I don’t think black women particularly like him for this reason.

[–]1EyedM0nster 3 points 6 hours ago I love Donald Glover. Been a fan since he released his "Awaken My Love!" album However, I hate that the media is always churning out remakes and Asian representation always has to be an Asian female with x race husband. Just goes to show how much disrespect the media has for Asian males.

Fucking two lines in the post. The fuck was that about "MUh PoSt ReQUiReMentS anD CaLL to AcTION"?