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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This Chinese dude on IG seems like he does well with WFOC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 14 hours ago by Hal6357

[–]128lbs 102 points 8 hours ago The obsession with WF on this subreddit 🤦🏻‍♀️

[–]heavenlysmoker 20 points 6 hours ago Nah fr it’s literally the white superiority mindset that is still ingrained in them. Like bro go ducking live

[–]roenthomas 26 points 8 hours ago Almost like they should be going to r amwf

[–]night6015 15 points 6 hours ago Because just like wmaf...having a white partner validates you. Yes it sounds like white worship

[–]CoilConductor 9 points 7 hours ago I read a comment here a few weeks ago that this sub doesn't have a fixation with AMWF I was like are you blind

[–]My-Own-Way 13 points 6 hours ago We can talk about not putting WF on a pedestal all we want, but the reality is AF don’t even want to admit about the elephant in the room and that is AF putting WM on a pedestal. We can keep policing ourselves to our own detriment, but please look around because, in reality, AF just aren’t in for the cause (e.g. every westernized, usually liberal, AF). AF love the attention they get from WM. AF pedestalizing WM #42069 AF FB group for worshipping WM.

[–]CaiShen88 5 points 6 hours ago

The obsession with WF on this subreddit 🤦🏻‍♀️

WM/XM fetishzing AF on a grand scale, AF are literally cultural export products for WM/XM. They degrade, sexualize, use, and abuse AF like it's nothing, but somehow we're obsessed with WF? Do you know stupid you sound? Do you see how stupid it's makes AM look? Do you think we're better than that if we don't stoop down to their level? What's wrong with AM show interest and attraction to WF? What's wrong with promoting it? Does it somehow make us bad? For example, there's a disturbing agenda of BMWF everywhere in media which doesnt directly affect us, not that we should care but case in point that people accept whatever the media shows, and nobody bats an eye or is allowed to say anything. But when we try to make it trend and increase our value and attraction, that's somehow bad. It's only fair that representation is OWED to us after all the decades of media racism given to us. When Asian representation is at the lowest ranked in media, do you think staying invisible is going to improve anything? WM/XM are already working against you, will try to tear you down, they all support your cuck comment if they read it. Wake the fuck up. You guys are part of the problem. L. I am pro AM, and if this comment hurts your feelings, you're just proving my point.

[–]My-Own-Way 5 points 4 hours ago Based. It’s time we unashamedly prioritize AM first and not do what WMAF wants us to do. They hate to see AMWF.

[–]128lbs 5 points 4 hours ago There is nothing wrong with prioritizing AM. What is mind-boggling, however, is that some AM buy into the same exact white-worshipping behavior AF in WMAF partake in. Also, prioritizing AM does not entail/is not equivalent to worshipping WF/AMWF. Thinking AMWF is a form of revenge against WMAF is laughable; they don't even care about you. As Asians, let's not define our worth based on how (white) people view us. Define yourself based on who you are right now and who YOU want to be. For the record, I am an American born Chinese woman who only dates Chinese men, will only marry a Chinese man, and will raise proud Chinese children.

[–]Kenzo89 -4 points 4 hours ago Since you’re an Asian woman then how about you don’t go into Asian male spaces and tell us who to date or what to talk about. Maybe you should preach to your fellow AF to stop worshipping WM, which is way more widespread and problematic, and makes AF look easy allowing non-Asians to look down on Asians and take advantage. Just search “Asian” on Reddit and look at how many subreddits there are fetishizing AF.

[–]128lbs 4 points 3 hours ago Since you’re an Asian woman then how about you don’t go into Asian male spaces Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize pro-AM AF's aren't welcome here. Nobody is telling you who to date or what to talk about. There's nothing wrong with calling out white worship in the Asian community be it from Asian men or women. What fellow AF? I surround myself with Chinese/Korean women who only date/marry Chinese/Korean men. What good would preaching to them do? And I stay away from Asian women with non-Asian spouses/partners as I find them very uncomfortable to interact with. I am not stupid, you know. I am an Asian woman who is negatively impacted by grotesque white worshiping Asian women and non-Asian men who fetishize Asian women; this is why my CMB profile is all in 中文 to filter out non-Chinese men.

[–]Critical_Attack 5 points 5 hours ago That's none of your business (you're not even an AM to begin with). This is an AM's space and we have the right to date and prefer whichever group of women we want, including WF.

[–]128lbs -1 points 4 hours ago Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize pro-AM AF's aren't welcome here. For the record, I am an American born Chinese woman who only dates Chinese men, will only marry a Chinese man, and will raise proud Chinese children.

[–]Critical_Attack 3 points 4 hours ago Cool story, but you're not very convincing (to be blunt). A significant portion of your posting history (regarding AM) boils down to gaslighting, getting upset at AMWF (despite it isn't as common as the other way around) and making false equivalency between AMWF & WMAF.
Saying you "prefer AM" doesn't give you a pass nor does it exempt you from getting called out for suspicious behaviors. And it certainly doesn't mean you're qualified to speak on AM's experience.

[–]128lbs 0 points 4 hours ago Believe whatever you want. I really don't give a damn what you think. It's just sad to see how prevalent white worship is in both Asian men and women in the West. Thankfully, I was born and raised in NYC's Chinese enclaves, can communicate in both Cantonese and Mandarin, learned some Chinese history on my own during high school, have access to Chinese dramas and music, and surround myself with Chinese people born and raised in China who have Chinese spouses/partners. In short, I am very comfortable being Chinese and can see past Western propaganda.

[–]Critical_Attack -1 points 3 hours ago You're proving my point with the "same thing both side" fallacy and - as I mentioned - making false equivalency between the two dynamic.

Thankfully, I was born and raised in NYC's Chinese enclaves, can communicate in both Cantonese and Mandarin, learned some Chinese history on my own during high school, have access to Chinese dramas and music, and surround myself with Chinese people born and raised in China who have Chinese spouses/partners. In short, I am very comfortable being Chinese and can see past Western propaganda

That cool and all (assuming what you're saying about yourself is true), but that doesn't at all mean you fully grasp the AM experience and the racism we're facing. This space is for AM to talk about navigating this - and that also involves being successful with dating women of other races (including WF).
I don't have an issue with AW posting - so as long as they're actually supportive of AM, and don't gaslit us and don't act in bad faith.

[–]Sphan_86 3 points 7 hours ago I was going to say the same thing lol

[–]Zxhamuaha -2 points 4 hours ago it’s gone so bad just like how WM are obsessed with AW…

[–]128lbs 1 point 4 hours ago just like how WM are obsessed with AW And how AW are obsessed with WM, too. This is why I surround myself with Chinese people born and raised in China with Chinese spouses/partners and watch only Chinese dramas. There is way too much white-worshipping in the West 🤮

[–]Zxhamuaha 2 points 3 hours ago It’s a little thing called white wash

[–]Mayweader 0 points 3 hours ago Many of these AM don't know they're ultimately contributing to the problem. I'm pro-Asian first and foremost, which means supporting proud AMAF who put Asians first. This makes selfhating Asians, both male and female the enemy. Part of the problem have been the males who include dads and uncles praising yt and bringing down their own race. AM must present themselves and their heritage as the best if we're to reverse the tides At the same time, AM in the west don't have the luxury of picking an AF, when most AFs have AM as last pick. Even in China and other Asian countries the levels of white worship among AF is horrendous, and an AM might be the pick of convenience but their ideal fantasy partner may be a WM.

R/ am simp f&gs will keep thirsting after Lus till the fucking end of time. Fucking 100 upvotes for that KKKUNT. This is why these so-called "PrOs-AsIANN" subs continue to be jokes, prowling subversive cockroach users like '128lbs' and 'Kronoform' are always allowed in while actual pro-Asians are silenced/banned.