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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

New Movie about AF Experience in America...Yikes by Shane707 in aznidentity

[–]Kronoform [score hidden] an hour ago Fair. it’s not a small company. Regardless. No one has ever heard of it. It’s Canadian produced. I don’t look for stuff like that to get angry about. Those movies and shows with Asian male writers / directors and AF lead roles would not work at all with a WF in the lead. The reason it works is cause it’s AFAM. The Michelle Yeoh movie originally was supposed to be a movie for Jackie Chan but he turned it down. Movies like this disappear pretty quickly without anyone watching. I’ve seen no advertisements about it anywhere and it’s probably straight to video. Big Universal Studios movie All My Life with AMWF came out with decent advertising. How many of you watched? This nothing burger movie also lists 2 Asian males as exec producers, the DP is also an Asian male. I see there’s a WFAM movie called “Love Me” with Yeun and Stewart. Why don’t some people here take the time to support that instead of getting angry at this?

[–]toskaqe 12 points 6 hours ago No need to catastophize. Looks low budget, I doubt it'll even be a blip on the mainstream radar. Let them get it out of their system and saturate the market so we can move on sooner.

[–]Kronoform [score hidden] 2 hours ago This being posted here will give it way more attention than it ever would if it wasn’t posted here.

[–]Kronoform [score hidden] 3 hours ago Anyone can make a film like this so not sure why you are so bothered. It isn’t mainstream or backed by a major studio. If you like AMWF so much, you can make your own movie about it. Sure it will get support from many here. Bitching on Reddit about what other people are doing is useless when you have the power to do the same thing and choose not to.

Every time this cockroach poocel types he fucking projects. Locust fucking f&gg0t prowls all over aiNCELs 24 fucking 7 like a worthless buttstalker for any criticism of the Lu. Allowed to keep spewing his diarrhea currycel shit because the head mod is one as well. R/ aiNCELs serves the interests of anti-Asians, non-Asians, and LUs.