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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My Main Concern as a Chinese Asian Diaspora (self.aznidentity)

submitted 19 hours ago by SuperStonkPlay

[–]Penetrator_kun 4 points 10 hours ago "mate guarding" lmao. The girls the sexpats are getting with are nothing to fight over or worry about, the 9s and 10s aren't available to them since the local guys already snatched them up or they're just more race loyal I guess. Also our military isn't weak, we're just not united. European military aren't that amazing either besides the nukes, they're struggling to even support Ukraine. It's mainly just the US that has the might but China's already a peer competitor. You need to quit concerning yourself with WMAF stuff. The guys crying about it just makes us all look pathetic. It may be annoying but it's really not our business or have any right to interfere with who Asian women date. It's their life, let them sort it out themselves. There are so many beautiful girls worldwide, why be concern about them. (Asian here is meant for SEA and East Asian) - Find a beautiful non-Asian woman and bring them to our side. Asian guys are sleeping on West Asian, North African and Middle-Eastern women.

[–]wayocideo 6 points 5 hours ago

Asian guys are sleeping on West Asian, North African and Middle-Eastern women.

bruh, not all of us are attracted to black women. Stop pushing AMBF as the "solution" for racist degenerate WMAF. If there's any solution it's AMWF.

[–]toskaqe 0 points 5 hours ago Tunnel vision on AMWF is still putting them on a pedestal. White worshipping is white worshipping.

[–]wayocideo 1 point 5 hours ago it's not white worshiping, it's taking white women away from white men and giving them a taste of their own genocide medicine [removed]

[–]toskaqe[M] 0 points 4 hours ago Extremism is not allowed here, it's self defeating.

There is no other aiNCEL "moD" f&gg0t as pathetic as this one. Literally clicks [remove] EVERY SINGLE DAY on reddit like his worthless life depended on it. Bootlicks the head poojeet and ALL xm. Thirsts after fucking EVERY LU under the sun. Being an "aznid mod" is the same as cutting your nuts off.