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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Asian Incels" is the new "Angry Black Woman" by Expensive-Safety-578 in aznidentity

[–]deseq [score hidden] an hour ago Totally understandable why you'd have that impression of this subreddit. I do find a lot of the discussions about other topics enlightening and things that are not said elsewhere. if there were a way to filter out all the commentary on asian women's dating and random complaints about asian women, that would make this place much better.

Frankie Huang: Someday I will gather the courage to write about why many Asian women are afraid/weary of dating Asian men & how it has to do with the shit we have seen in our families & communities & how it is often about survival and self-love. It’s not about who we choose but who we avoid. by Gigante_salsiccia in aznidentity

[–]deseq 0 points 4 hours ago That’s good in theory, but I’m concerned about this “toxic asian masculinity” side effect you talk about. It discredits and destroys everything we say. The issues of emasculation of asian males, violence against Asians, media suppression of Asians, and the other niches this place fills do not have to be discussed in the setting of asian women bashing. They’re too important to be allowed to die on the same hill as narrow minded criticisms of asian women some on here make. I dislike how we make people specifically some Asian women into victims. Many don’t deserve the attention and the legitimacy of being a “victim”. Some of their ideas are dumb and nonsense. But you just gave them the victim status (by inciting people to attack / harass, which is universally condemnable) and now even people who were previously neutral about them are forced to defend these “activists” as some sort of morally righteous hero against “toxic asian men”. And it’s difficult to see how they’re wrong when these women are indeed receiving hate messages. I hate seeing that.

It’s over y’all, the journalists are talking about us by Trizerator in aznidentity

[–]deseq 4 points 7 hours ago Because AM still enjoy certain privileges as males over AF. Not sure about social or political power, there’s little of that on either side, but simply by virtue of being males in a patriarchal society we enjoy certain privileges that asian women do not enjoy, and even as we seek to speak to our own oppression under white male supremacy we must be cognizant of the unique intersectional struggles of asian females, and be mindful to not step on them.

The absolute fucking beaknose FGGTRY from this cocksucker. Every fucking time this motherfucker logs into his fggt ass account he gaslights. Note how he pretends to care about AM. Fggt k1keshek is another example of why ai is the FUCKING cesspit of every "asIAn sUb" and deserves everything bad happening to it.