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[–]UncleWillard56 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

[Sigh] You mean like the War on Drugs, which has been such a raving success? Say what you will about Trump, but he did bring the hammer down on Mexico and got them to reduce the amount of illegals pouring across the border. He did it by threatening to put a 50% tariff on all Mexican goods, no? It worked pretty well. Mexico stopped a lot of this immigration at their Southern border. The EU, even though they crowed about diversity and how immigration was a strength, did the same thing with Niger, which was the major conduit for Africans looking to illegally immigrate to Europe. Worked there too.

What does a war with the cartels look like? Another Vietnam. Another Afghanistan. Useless, unless you're talking about killing a bunch of Americans and Mexicans, doing nothing about the drugs pouring in, and wasting billions (trillions for the War on Drugs) of taxpayer dollars. LEGALIZE IT! Legalize, regulate, and tax all drugs. That's the only way to get some kind of control. Declaring war on a thing or prohibition of it simply does not work. Better to grow up and accept the fact that people will find a way to get drugs. Let em have em. But make them take responsibility for those habits vs. the continuous cycle of arrest, incarceration, rehab, then rinse repeat.