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[–]ISaidWhatISaid[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

He doesn't have a life, that's why he was able to make himself indepensable to Reddit. He's effectively an unpaid moderator at this point, he openly bragged about how Reddit's hate-categories are identical to the ones he's already using himself (because he and Reddit are obviously coordinating behind the scenes, they just don't want this to be known). IRL, he's lost every job he's had (claims it was due to "burn out" but if it was because he was trying to make his workplace go "woke" like he's doing on Reddit, we all know the real reason he's jobless now), been divorced twice, been hospitalized for mental illness twice by his own admission. He claims to have multiple mental illnesses including agoraphobia, so he doesn't even leave his house. He sits there all day obsessively trawling Reddit and blacklisting all the natsees. It's mentally ill people with no families, no work and no lives like him that obsess over petty crap like that.