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This is a parody sub. Post anything that mocks the subreddit againsthatesubreddits. They banned some of my favourite subs.
I will be sharing some of my research into Bardfinn, AHS and Masstagger here soon
submitted 4 years ago by ISaidWhatISaid from self.AgainstHateSubreddits
In response to this post where I quoted from a recent Twitter thread by a former /r/detrans mod detailing the censorship and targeted harassment their subreddit has suffered at the hands of AHS and The League of Extraordinary Trolls, I will share some of my research into Bardfinn, AHS and Masstagger in this thread. There's some very interesting stuff going on with this individual and these online SJW vigilantism "projects" he has become involved with.
Amongst others I will present the following:
Bardfinn claiming to be a longtime "Nazi hunter" with 30 years of experience tracking down white supremacists and anti-semites. (Verdict: UNSUBSTANTIATED)
Bardfinn claiming to own a highly lucrative patent that enabled him to retire early in life and devote all his time to Reddit. (Verdict: UNSUBSTANTIATED)
That one time Bardfinn got one of his co-workers arrested for storing CP on the company network (which is especially interesting with regards to that Bitchute video claiming that AHS vigilantes will supposedly plant CP on subreddits they want to take down creating an excuse for instant suspension.)
The notorious "incest is not unethical" post originally posted in this thread. This is what Bardfinn is referring to when he falsely claims that people on Reddit have supposedly "claimed I am a pedophile". No one has ever done that, however, people have called him out for this particular post where he literally tried to defend incest as being ethical.
How Masstagger is the first step to getting a subreddit banned; how Bardfinn & AHS use the Masstagger central blacklist to manipulate Reddit Admins into banning specific subreddit or redditor.
AHS recruitment on SJW subreddits Bardfinn moderates such as /r/ContraPoints
Bardfinn, who claims to be a repeat rape victim, openly threatening to rape an /r/Drama user until they pass out. Later he tells another /r/Drama user to go rape himself with an explosive. ("Sorry, that was a 'joke'/I was in a dark place")
Bardfinn accusing anyone on Reddit who disagrees with him of being a rapist: "They rape"
Bardfinn threatening to sue a hapless Reddit user for saying "I'm sick of political posts."
Bardfinn pulls an Elizabeth Warren and claims to be Native American (Verdict: UNSUBSTANTIATED)
Bardfinn insisting that he doesn't work for Reddit, but he did inquire about "consulting" for a UXE position at Reddit, you know, just asking for a friend. Because recall, he's living from that supposed patent and doesn't need to work ever again.
Tune in later!
[–][deleted] 4 years ago* (1 child)
[–]ISaidWhatISaid[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun - 4 years ago (0 children)
As promised, I am gonna post some more of my research soon. Many things are just not adding up with this guy.
[–][deleted] (1 child)
[–]ISaidWhatISaid[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)