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6 million! 😲
3 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
If I told you...
14 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Martin Luther king was just another puppet for communist jews
15 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/news from
This is how jewish power works in the USA
21 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Damn evil nazi's! .../s
I wonder why...
23 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
How are those blacks doing around the world?
26 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Damn irish
1 month ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
I have no idea, Ed...
That's how they are
Imagine thinking these people would use wooden doors for "gas chambers" 😂
"Propaganda" this WW2 era German cartoon depicts what will happen to America if Germany is defeated
That didn't age well
2 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/politics from
This is how they subvert entire nations
2 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
U.S. politicians will do any and everything to protect their jewish masters
They for sure love their porn
2 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/funny from
Trump on Marco Rubio
Trump administration. Some things change but one thing always stays the same
Jews always tell you what happened but they never say why...
Recent timeline in Amsterdam
Greetings nigger
I can't think of a title right now
Remember the truth about American elections
3 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Hmm...why do you think they would suggest such ridiculous things? Does anyone agree with any of these suggestions from our friends in the mainstream media?
Cone of shame put on Biden after he was biting babies again
3 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/funny from
Why they want hate speech laws
Every commercial
How to marry a Finnish girl by phil Schwartzmann...
Would you vote for Harris or Hitler?
The owner of pornhub rabbi Solomon Friedman
The ADL's definition of racism...
Spot the difference
Robert E. Lee spoke the truth. No wonder they want to erase him from our history
Greta was doing so well until...
Yomamma, are you ok?
3 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/memes from
Straight from the talmud
The dailymail
4 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Another win for the bad guys in the fight against free speech
Not the first time haha
That figures
Who is he referring to?
Where did democracy bring you?
Snowden chimes in on the latest terror attack carried out by Israel
"The social media racists must be silenced" - by Daniel Finkelstein
Why was MSNBC filming Trump at his golf course when another assassination attempt was about to made?
The Dems explicitly called for Trump to be shot and now two people have answered the call
And....there it is
The neverending victim complex from jews. Why else would they spray paint swastikas?...
Question about names
5 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Trust the science
The global crackdown on free speech
Their lives don't matter
White replacement is just a conspiracy theory...they say
Nigger "art"
"King" Charles has also chosen to side with the sandniggers instead of his people
Crt explained
Why isn't the U.S. media covering how angry the brits are with the forced mass immigration?
The "far right"
6 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Another jew being racist against white people
England is releasing foreign invaders from prison to make room for the white man
Britain's first mosque was built a jew
Giving women the right to vote was a mistake
Our greatest ally
Jew talks about what is classified as rape in the jewish culture
Barbara Butch aka the obese jew bitch from the Olympics opening ceremony will be taking legal action against those who oppose her Marxism
Silly Democrats
6 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/funny from
The great replacement theory is just a conspiracy theory...
Jews rape kids
He did tell us...
Jews aren't white
Major difference between intelligence and indoctrination on display here.
6 months ago by Questionable to /s/whatever from
Just another cohencidence
Lying jews get fact checked again
He was right about the rats
BBC network admits to lying in their programs to falsify black history in England
7 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Another jew promoting pedophilia and admitting fags are pedo's
What's with all the race mixing and faggotry propaganda in advertising lately?
Whites are evil said by our "greatest ally"
Who controls the government?
8 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Candace Owens learns about Dresden, Germany aka the site of the real holocaust
9 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Candace Owens is starting to notice...
Another nazi who spoke the truth
Every fucking time
Why is it that way?
10 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
Another poll where the vast majority would rather a nazi babysit their children rather than tranny freaks...
I guess this wasn't a "death camp" either. Only the nazi's did those...
Jews and their anti-white AI
11 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from
So that's why the flu dissapeared during "covid"...
Miss "Germany"
Every accusation from a jew is a projection of their own guilt
Anybody know where this happened?
11 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/funny from
This is how they repay Europe from saving them from "genocide"...
11 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/Jews from
Do you know the answer?
Television vs reality
1 year ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from