"Trans themes" in art by alladd in TumblrInAction

[–]Alienhunter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah basically. Take whatever trendy identity is going and people will find media that supposedly espouses those themes.

At a very basic point finding your "true self" or in other words the coming of age story is an old and fairly universal plot and the trans-narrative is a variation on that, albeit one that takes a kind of opposite approach to the traditional "accept who you are and your role in life" with "don't accept who you are and define it yourself" but that gets pretty messy into various points of view.

Very simply the trans types on the internet are basically just obsessed with their own trans Identity and try to find parallels everywhere because they desperately seek validation and acceptance from all sources, so if they watch a drama about say, a kid that wants to be a musician but their parents discourage them and encourage them to be a doctor instead, they're gonna be all like "omg trans themes!"

Indian student pretended to be black to get into med schools by xoenix in TumblrInAction

[–]Alienhunter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Everyone should do this I think. Unless you are fucking retarded about it there's basically no way you can get in trouble.

I've been refusing to answer racial surveys for years by always ticking other and listing human as my ethnicity. And if someone wants to have a problem with it I'll snap back quickly, it's a legitimately held belief and if you take issue with it you are literally dehumanizing me.

The TikTok Ban Is the Next Patriot Act by Drewski in politics

[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The security concerns with the information going to China are legit but the government merely wants to have a monopoly on that sort of information themselves. They don't care about what the average person worrying about TikTok cares about which are the psychological effects and the marketing towards children. Because domestic social media companies do the same thing and they don't care because they are American owned.

I think American society as a whole just needs to start treating underage social media use the same way we treat cigarettes and alcohol. Hell I'd rather catch my kids smoking and having a pint then doom scrolling all day.

How could you create a trans-inclusive all-female gym and filter out the dbags who say "I identify as a woman"? by xoenix in TumblrInAction

[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You'd just ban anyone who isn't a "biological woman" then you maybe carve out a very small and very limited exception to trans people who have actually transitioned fully and have the receipts to prove it, but maybe you don't let them in the same changing room as the biological women. For their own protection of course. Wouldn't want them to be harassed for being ugly.

I put myself in a bad headspace regarding man vs bear by xoenix in TumblrInAction

[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah no shit. One it's reddit. Two it's people who have nothing better to do with their lives than go on Reddit and talk about their identity problems vs video games or movies or literally any other banal interest that is more fun.

Gonna naturally devolve into the most miserable types getting off on each other's misery I think.

Like any "mentally healthy" trans person isn't going around screaming about validation 24/7, they're just living their life and not giving a fuck if other people accept them or not. Frankly I get along fine with most of these people even if we have very deep disagreements when it comes to trans issues in general since they can actually hold conversations about things other than that.

Back 20 years ago when everyone was coming out of the closet as well was similar. Actual gay people that were otherwise normal? No issues. We don't talk about preferred positions or whatnot, 99% of contexts it's totally irrelevant. But there was always some group of "total fags" that literally would just go around screaming at people "you must accept us" and like, nobody likes you, not even the actual faggots.

I remember there being some demonstration for "national day of silence" for gay people or something where they just taped their mouths shut and refused to participate in class for a day and like, whatever as far as protests go that's pretty easy to ignore but I can't help but think what insufferable twats they were and how ineffective the protest was. Cause I was thinking like, ok so gay people don't have a voice so instead of speaking out for them you're going to just be annoyingly silent about everything? So random people who don't know anything about it are going to have their first impression of the gay rights movement as a bunch of annoying theater kids refusing to participate in class discussions and group projects, well you're just going to piss off a bunch of people.

Hey we've got a speaking test scheduled for the same day as our actual protest can you reschedule. Um no. You can protest and I support your right to protest, but the test is on this day and if you don't have a valid medical excuse you'll get a zero. But hey, you've got to make the decision if gay rights are more important than your grades anyway or else your protest is meaningless without some sacrifice. So if I move the date it hurts your movement actually.

Turns out grades are more important than gay rights, who could have thunk it.

Modern Communists: SDS & RCA by xoenix in TumblrInAction

[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree they are basically statistically irrelevant in the long run but usually countries that go towards such centralized planning tend to be totalitarian states and they aren't usually tolerant of "alternative lifestyles" outside of what the planning committee have prescribed as best.